Chapter 48 Lane Is Captured 1

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Vandal Savage could be accurately described as a living fossil from the earliest era of the earth. A literal Caveman existence who had watched human civilization rise and fall with the destruction of hundreds of empires and the rise of even more.

In terms of age, the master of shadows, leader of the league of assassin's, the iconic Demon's Head Ra's al Ghul who had used the Lazarus pit to cheat death and live for hundreds of years, would have to call him ancestor and when it came to seniority, he was second to Klarion alone.

Living so long and witnessing so much, Vandal had long since had plans for humanity as a whole. Countless kingdoms, empires, clans, tribes, they rose from the ashes and crumbled, some being remembered and some being completely submerged within the sands of time, forgotten for all eternity.

Some, he personally ruled and others, he carried extremely high, important positions.

He called himself a visionary, a veteran, and orchestrator of every significant war mankind has ever had.

With the aim to shape the world for the war of tomorrow. His tomorrow.

He believed himself to be the only one with the right vision and capability to lead humanity to its next step in the process of evolution.

But despite never being able to actually rule the world after trying for fifty thousand years, the experience, wealth, and resources that he had gathered over his long lifetime stated that his ambitions had never been extinguished.

Unlike many villains who had an extremely dramatic and equally tragic backstory turning them into what they eventually become, or were just plain lunatics seeking to cause more chaos for their amusements, Vandal's reason for villainy was the most common one in the book.

To rule the world.

And so to achieve that aim, he had founded and joined numerous organizations over the years.

The most recent one being “The Light”.

After Superman announced himself to the world, the arrival of Zod, and the formation of the Justice League who sought to maintain the world's status quo, Vandal realized that as long as the League existed, his ambitions to conquer the world and rise to power would forever remain an extravagant ambition.

The League would never condone the idea of one man ruling over the entire world.

To pass through this obstacle, Savage knew that he wouldn't be able to accomplish it on his own.

So after lurking and gathering Intel for several years, he extended invitations to Ra's, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Ocean-master, Brain, and Klarion, thus securing clout in different spheres of influence (the underworld, business, politics, the sea, science, and magic, respectively).

The Light created or co-opted networks of operatives, placed key individuals in key positions, and explored the boundaries of all new technology. Genetic engineering, biochemical engineering, robotics, nano-robotics, techno-sorcery, and all conceivable methods of mind control were all explored by the Light in its quest to accelerate human evolution.

Each founding member had a strong chain of networks and a considerable sphere of influence. Through them, it made the majority of their plans and schemes possible.

They were the head members not due to their personal strength, but the value each of them had to offer.

Amari, although powerful, had no such value. Without it, he would only become a marginal member at best. Far from their status.

That was Queen Bee's conclusion, but apparent, Lex thought otherwise.

“Oh? Really, Luthor?” Savage turned to Lex and examined with interest.

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