Chapter 38 Welcome Miss Zor-El To The Axiom

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Washington DC, Penthouse high rise......

A black shadow swooped down from the window of the building in the dead of night, descending rapidly like a black dot. If one looked close enough, they would be able to discern that the falling figure had a humanoid figure.

Bruce, who was falling at a rapid pace, had no expression. His face maintaining that cold, indifferent look which provided no insights to what was going on within his mind.

Yet despite that being the case, the thoughts currently roaming through his head were almost endless and the worries in his heart were even more so.

It did little to hinder his next course of actions, however. Without so much as a thought, like a conditioned reflex action, his black cape opened up and stretched out, attached to his arms to form his classic paragliding suit.

“It's time for a change of plans”. Bruce thought to himself as he glided with the wind, steering himself in the direction of the Hall.


Back in the building, Sam watched The Dark Knight depart with a face quite similar to the caped crusader.

His mature features showed nothing but calmness, hiding a multitude of thoughts within him.

“Was that wise, General?” Alice asked with a questioning tone.

The holographic AI looked at the open window that let in the cool evening breeze and back at the cold faced General Lane in inquiry.

“What do you mean?” Sam replied with a question of his own.

“If I didn't have enough understanding of your Earth's guardians and their characteristics, I could only deem your current display, as no different from seeking death”.

Sam chuckled unceremoniously at her words. Come to think of it, were his actions suicidal? If it were powered beings other than the Justice League, then yes, his actions would be tantamount to suicide.

“You are asking if it's wise of me to provoke the Justice League”. Sam said in a bland tone.

“Yes. Like I previously stated, under your orders, the League consists of the most powered individuals on your planet and beyond. Not only have they repeated stopped countless natural disasters and prevented numerous villains from causing mass destruction, they are also your planet's only defensive measure against extraterrestrial invasions and threats like Darkseid. And most importantly, your government have no measures to contain them. At this point, the Justice League are a force earth cannot do without. If they one day decide to go back to their normal lives or start taking the law into their hands due to your targeted actions, the World Council will suffer the biggest disaster since Its inception. From a normal perspective, antagonizing them is pure stupidity”.

She finished all her observations in one piece.

It didn't matter if the Justice League were authorized to do what they did. The facts clearly stated that with all the world had seen in the past few years, the League had practically become indispensable.

Look at Stepphenwolf's invasion many years ago, and then look at Central City that had a new Metahuman causing some form of chaos each week.

People needed to slap their faces hard and wake up to the bitter reality. The Earth wasn't the same world it once was.

The day Zod invaded and Superman officially made his debut, it was no different from the legendary revival of spiritual aura in the fantasy novels.

Countless crazy, vengeful, ambitious superpowered villains sprung up from obscurity and mediocrity like monsters in MMORPG.

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