Chapter 50 Out Of Arkham

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United States

The outskirts of Gotham City,

Um...... Not The Axiom, the other… Outskirts where Wayne Manor was located.

Wayne Manor's grounds include a surrounding gate around the perimeter, with a larger front gate at the main entrance. 

The positioning of the residence was rather convenient. Within driving distance of Gotham city, close enough for the Bat signal to be seen.

Enabling Bruce Wayne or rather, Batman to spring into action as fast as possible should the need ever arise.

And on this dark and dreary night, the Bat signal was on full display in the Gotham skies. However, the city's famous Caped Crusader wouldn't be able to respond to this call.

The scene opened on the building, consisting of a luxurious eleven bedrooms and seven bathrooms. In Bruce's master bedroom, the body of The Dark Knight laid on the lavish looking king-sized bed that he rarely used.

He wasn't in the room alone, however. Right next to the bed was the green skinned J'onn J'onzz whose left hand was resting on Bruce's forehead while closing his eyes with a serious look that screamed, "utter concentration".

Superman, who stood at a distance, watched the whole thing play out with worry in his eyes and a deep frown etched on his face.

Dressed in his signature red and blue tights, the classic “S” symbol representing his alias and identity as the last son of the house of El and the cape that almost swept the floor.

Clark examined Bruce laying unconscious with his X-ray vision once again, despite knowing it wouldn't provide any answers.

His eyes didn't stay on the body. Among the Leaguers that attacked Amari, Batman was one of the least physically damaged.

At least when compared to the Hal, Bruce could be said to have gotten off easy. The punch The Deviant had thrown on the Green lantern made sure the latter was still in the League's Med Bay until now.

Batman, however, had a much more complicated situation.

Clark examined Bruce's brain intently. After a few seconds, his vision returned to normal, causing him to frown even deeper with slight disappointment.

He looked at Martian Manhunter whose hands had regrown over the past week without saying a word.

After a while. J'onn finally opened his eyes. Taking his hand away from Bruce's head, the green Martian stood up from the chair he was sitting on with a slightly unsightly look etched on his face.

“Any changes?” Clark asked, but seeing his expression, he had little hope.

“Yes”. However, J'onns response surprised the kryptonian.

“Really? Is he getting better?” Clark asked with surprise and delight.

“No”. The Manhunter shook his head. “When I said changes, I meant it's getting worse”.

Clark's happy expression stiffened before turning ugly.

His eyes almost narrowed into slits as he stared intently at the Green Martian.

“What's wrong with him?”

“I can't say for sure”. The Manhunter shook his head. “But the damage Bruce has suffered is beyond anything I have ever encountered”.

“You can't be serious, J'onn".

“I'm afraid I am”. He replied solemnly.

“The attack Amari used against Batman was in many ways similar to the psychic attacks we Martians and other telepaths employ against opponents. Bruce's coma is a result of his mindscape being so greatly damaged that his consciousness has retreated deep into his mind”.

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