Chapter 90

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The blade sliced through the inner side of the suit pants on the thigh.

The malevolent spirit stiffened leisurely, and he said with a peculiar expression, "You're castrating me?"

This was the first time he had heard someone say something like this to him.

Jiang Luo withdrew the dagger, smiling as if it was just a joke, "Scared?"

The malevolent spirit did not think he was just joking, and honestly nodded, "A bit."

The young man with black hair smiled slightly, whispering, "How could Mr. Da Fan be afraid of such a small dagger?"

He slid the tip of the dagger along the malevolent spirit's thigh.

"You wanted to get on top of me, having such bold thoughts, what's so scary about being castrated?" Jiang Luo said.

For a moment, the audience didn't know whom to envy.

The dangerous young man with black hair and the beautiful slave, the atmosphere between them seemed impenetrable by three or even four people.

But after a moment, Jiang Luo stopped his hand, looked down, and raised an eyebrow, "Are you a pervert?"

"Feeling this even now?"

Alerted to his own reaction, the malevolent spirit laughed off his embarrassment, completely unashamed, "Who could have predicted this?... However, as a slave has encountered such a dilemma, surely, as the master, it's your responsibility to address this issue for me."

Jiang Luo offered a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "You've got a point."

The audience below instantly erupted in gasps of astonishment, drawing in sharp breaths.

Chi You let out a muffled groan, narrowly evading the knife at the very last second.

The knife ended up embedded in his thigh, dangerously close to castrating him, causing pain that instinctively began to fade away. Jiang Luo commented casually, "Well, that solves the problem, doesn't it?"

He removed the knife with a hint of regret, "Such a shame, you were worth a seven-figure sum, but it's not yet time for castration."

"But that's alright, this body isn't yours, after all. Castrating your real self would be much more amusing."

Observing the knife, the evil spirit's expression turned unusually grim. Jiang Luo examined Chi You's face closely, remarking, "Considering Mr. Daifu's looks, a seven-figure sum seems far too modest."

His voice filled with sudden enthusiasm, "A seven-figure sum won't cut it; I plan to increase your value significantly."

"Yet, before we get to that," the young man with black hair stood up straight, tightening the whip around Chi You's neck, his expression gleefully content, "first, you must tell me, why did you board the ship?"

The malevolent spirit watched his hair drift away from his shoulder, speaking deliberately, "I came here for you, of course."

Jiang Luo tightened his grip, leaving deep marks on the evil spirit's neck.

Forced to tilt his head back, the spirit gazed at the beautiful chin revealed beneath the black-haired youth's mask, excitement pulsing through his blood. He suggested leisurely, "Let's trade questions."

"I'll start," the spirit decided, talking to himself, "Why did you intentionally give me the Yuan Tian Pearl?"

"I wanted to see how much the Yuan Tian Pearl could restore you," Jiang Luo explained, "and to remind you to hurry up and carry out your grand plans—like wiping out the Chi family. If possible, give the Qi family a lesson too."

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