Chapter 192

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"However," sighed Jiang Luo, "he surprisingly stopped killing people since two hundred years ago..."

From a certain perspective, a person bound by destiny is a fearsome individual.

Ordinary folks, upon foreseeing that someone's descendants would be their undoing, would typically eradicate the threat. Yet, this chosen one, long before ascending to pseudo-divinity, when still a mere human, had already laid out plans for the godhood two centuries later. What did this signify? It signified an unwavering belief that he would unquestionably become a god. From the beginning, he foresaw it all.

His actions toward the main lineage of the Chi family were not entangled with karma; granting the Chi family's main lineage ghost markings was gratitude for their rescue. Due to the pleas of the collateral lineage, feeling that he disturbed the balance between the main and collateral branches, he cursed the main lineage.

He remained detached, like a spectator untouched by mud, having no connection whatsoever to the joys and sorrows of the Chi family.

Maintaining his determination from two hundred years ago until now, how could such a person not be formidable?

Jiang Luo let out a soft exhale.

He quickly snapped back to reality, only to realize his hand was still on the demon's belt. Seizing the moment while he pondered, the demon slowly unfastened the metallic buckle.

Jiang Luo suddenly chuckled, his slender fingers moving suggestively, "I can handle this myself."

The demon squinted at him, pinched Jiang Luo's hand, and retracted his own.

Jiang Luo's fingers danced like playing a piano, skillfully pulling out the demon's belt. He looked up at the demon with a radiant smile, forcefully and crisply snapping the belt against the demon's thigh. The belt's end made a sharp sound as it moved from the demon's back to his waist, "Enjoying the sensation, Mr. Chi? Seeing how eager you are, I can give you a complimentary session."

The demon had never been whipped with a belt before. He grasped the other end of the belt, faint veins visible on his pale hand, and sighed mysteriously, "You're quite audacious."

To showcase that his audacity could go even further, Jiang Luo cheekily patted the demon's buttocks with his other hand, whistling, "Your backside is quite perky. Want to experience what it's like to be dominated by me?"

The demon remained silent, calmly observing Jiang Luo.

Feeling a bit unnerved and somewhat triumphant at his successful provocation, Jiang Luo leaned back, pushing his luck, "Don't you want to know where I come from?"

The demon's outstretched hand paused, and he gentlemanly withdrew it, smirking at Jiang Luo, "Go on."

Jiang Luo leisurely continued, "Here is the underworld, where ghosts reside, and the living cannot enter. There's also the metaphysical realm, where we dwell, unseen by ordinary people and incompatible with the mundane world. As for where I come from, it's a different place in the entire universe," he gestured in a circular motion, encompassing his entire being, "where nobody except me can perceive."

The demon seemed contemplative.

"You won't know where that place is. You can consider me as someone from another world," Jiang Luo teased, "Mr. Chi, no matter how extraordinary you are, once I return to my world, you'll never find me."

He was playing a dangerous game, wanting to break up with the demon yet relishing the idea of witnessing the demon go mad for him.

But the demon remained calm, observing Jiang Luo with an inscrutable gaze. Yet, this calmness was more terrifying than a raging storm. Jiang Luo sensed an intangible fear, pervasive and more terrifying than death itself. His blood turned icy inch by inch in the gaze of Mr. Chi, the air growing thin, a suffocating sensation squeezing and rupturing from within.

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