Chapter 17

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Whether Jiang Luo was happy or not, he didn't know, but it was certainly an exhilarating night.

The demon used the words Jiang Luo had once said to him, and just this sentence had already highlighted Chi You's nature of bearing grudges and seeking revenge for the slightest grievances.

Jiang Luo found such a personality trait quite admirable on himself—never letting any wrongs go unavenged, always returning what was dealt to him. But on Chi You, Jiang Luo wanted to scoff disdainfully three times before cursing him for being petty and narrow-minded.

Half of his body standing in the water, Jiang Luo looked up at Chi You expressionlessly.

The demon's lips were curved in a smile, a smile that resembled a noose hung high around a person's neck, tightening. Half of the demon's perfect face was cast in shadow, the other half illuminated by the moonlight. Despite his handsome and upright appearance, he only evoked a sense of dread.

"Classmate Jiang," the demon took a step forward leisurely, his shoe sounds absorbed by the damp, soft ground. His voice was pleasant, laced with a hidden laughter, "Your current state... truly pitiful."

Dressed in an expensive suit without a single wrinkle, the demon looked out of place in this dense forest at midnight, rather belonging at a lively, bustling banquet.

—Or perhaps in a host club.

Jiang Luo thought maliciously.

"Thanks to you," Jiang Luo wasn't surprised by Chi You's appearance, he said with a sarcastic smile, "It's all thanks to your efforts, teacher."

As the demon said, Jiang Luo's current state was indeed pitiful.

He was soaked through, with ripples spreading around his waist. His black hair stuck to the shirt on his back, twisting into several crooked strands, his lean figure utterly exposed at this moment.

Anyone else standing here might have mistaken Jiang Luo for a ghostly creature that had crawled out of the river to bewitch people.

Facing the demon in such a disheveled and helpless posture would make anyone feel terrified and despair, but Jiang Luo remained exceedingly calm, looking into the demon's eyes with admirable courage and an unyielding spirit.

It was a soul that shone brilliantly.

It was precisely such a gaze that piqued the demon's interest, turning the act of killing the young man with black hair into a rare pleasure, a game that brought him joy.

The demon said with a smile, "No need to thank me."

He murmured softly, the words rolling off his tongue in an ambiguously flirtatious yet cold and dangerous manner, "After all, I am your pursuer."

Jiang Luo's brow twitched, but then he noticed a drone not far away. His furrowed brow relaxed, and he slowly smiled, "Teacher, do you know our competition is being live-streamed?"

The demon only smiled without speaking.

Indeed, Chi You was omnipresent. He could find out anything he wanted by employing the puppetry and soul refining technique, turning both the living and the dead into his loyal subordinates. Even if he were to become an invisible presence, he could easily obtain any information.

Jiang Luo stepped out of the water and walked to the shadow under a tree. The wet traces from his feet dragged along, some drops even falling on the demon's freshly polished leather shoes.

He was audaciously provoking, as if risking his life to anger a hungry beast. Jiang Luo, with a smile, lifted his arms, soaked with river water, and draped them over the demon's shoulders. Somehow, the fabric at the shoulder became dampened by the water from Jiang Luo's arms.

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