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I:  good morning little flower

Kate: good morning, why are you in a good mood in the early morning?

I: trust me i don't know

Kate: you managed to sleep?

I: are you kidding? i didn't sleep a wink

Kate: when did you come back?

I: last night, i tried not to make too much noise and apparently i succeeded

Kate: by the way, do you know who asked for you while you were away?

I: of course i don't know, who?

Kate: none other than william

I: are you serious? and what did you tell him?

Kate: we finally clarified the situation between us and then he asked me why you weren't in class, i explained to him that you were in spain for constitutional commitments

I: okay, good if i'm not mistaken, elizabeth also had to return to belgium for some commitments

Kate: yeah,  she should be back tomorrow


Fergus: william, guess who just got back to school?

William: i'm only interested if it's a blonde girl, has blue eyes, cute, spanish princess, shy, stubborn and above all touchy

Fergus: wow, you described her really well but you forgot to mention that her name starts with L and ends with R

William: okay, i get it and is it her?

Fergus: i didn't know you liked blondes  you can bet,  but don't you think you have a crush on her? i grant you she's very pretty but now don't you think you're exaggerating a little? when you were breaking up with kate you weren't so depressed, but instead the princess disappears for a couple of days without warning and you put your head down for the first time since we know each other 

William: it's none of you're business, it's between her and me 

Fergus: and what if she just sees you as a friend?

William: i will do everything i can do to change her mind


Kate: how did it go? tell me all the details

I: everything was fine, i saw my family again, in the end we had to go to a Cathedral to celebrate our Saint Patron and then the last day  we visited a park

Kate: so why do i hear a little sadness in your voice?

I: is it that obvious?

Kate: let's say i got to know you

I: well, you're right, in a very famous  and trusted spanish magazine, a news story came out about my aunt cristina and her husband, now my paents don't want me and my sister to hang out with them and my cousins

Kate: i'm sorry, what kind of news was published?

I: i don't know, but from what i understand they are private matters

Kate: well, let's not think about that now, let's go to sleep, tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us

I: right 

Kate: night

I: good night

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