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Fergus: you are finally back, we were starting to worry

Kate: for such a short time, it's just that we found traffic on the road

Elizabeth: you could take the subway

I: we didn't think about it, we took a taxi

William: now that we're all here, this is the last night we all spend together before we graduate, i was thinking we could play a game

Elizabeth: i'm in, i love games 

Kate: i'm in too, it depends on what game it is

William: it's very simple, maybe now you'll think that I've become too romantic because of leonor but i'm not, the game consists of taking turns saying what we think about everyone in this room without telling lies

Fergus: leonor, what did you do to him? It doesn't even look like him

I: i like it

William: okay, who starts?

Elizabeth: i'll start, so i can say about kate that when i first met her i thought she was one of those typical girls who boasted and thought they were divinities, but now that i've known  her she's one of my best friends , she's one of the most beautiful people. genuine and sincere that i know and love her  very much

Kate: oh, i love you so much too

Elizabeth: leonor is my twin in every sense, i always thought of her as like a sister, she is one of my best friends, but sometimes she is one of the most unbearable people i know, i hope that after we graduate tomorrow we will continue to talk to each other see even if it will be difficult

I: i will miss you so much

Elizabeth: i'm done, i just want to tell the guys that i can only tolerate them because they are kate and leo's boyfriends

Kate: fergus and william already know what i think of them, but i wanted to tell elizabeth and leonor that i admire them for what they do for their country, their people, their courage, their goodness, their kindness even if leonor has  moe than  elizabeth, i couldn't be luckier to have met you and to have you as best friends

I: now it's my turn, oh well william already knows, fergus knows not to make kate suffer, and you girls know that i love you very much, elizabeth and i are very similar but we are different in character, while with kate we immediately got on well and we have always helped and supported each other, so thank you for these three wonderful years spent together


I: will, sorry if i only got you your birthday present today, but i didn't have time and i didn't know what to get you, i hope you like it

William: don't worry, you didn't have to give me anything

I: go ahead, open it

William: it's beautiful, it was just what i needed and wanted, thank you so much baby

I: i'm so glad you like it

William: i also wanted to tell you something important.........

I: what is it ?

William: i  don't know if you have plans after tomorrow but i really want this relationship to continue, i know it will be a little complicated but we will make it work

I: yes, of course it will continue between us, you know how i feel about you

William: i was thinking you could move here to England, what do you think?

I: i would love to, but there are two problems: i don't know if my parents will agree and secondly where will i stay?

William: you don't have to worry about where you will live, don't worry, i won't let you live under the bridge

I: well thank you, the only thing is that after graduation tomorrow, i should return home for a few days, then my father wants me to attend a military training course, but i won't have to live there

William: and how will you do it?

I: a bit like i've done for these three years, a bit here and a bit in spain, but it's not a problem for me, as long as i organize myself

William: when it comes to organization you are the best

I: it's true

William: but are you sure it's right for you? i don't want you to feel obligated to say yes to me

I: hey, william look at me, i don't feel obligated to say yes to you, if i tell you it's because i want to

William: okay, now it's better if we go to sleep, tomorrow we have to wake up early

I: yes, you're right 

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