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I: good morning kate, how did it go yesterday with fergus?

Kate: morning, everything was fine but why are in a good mood leonor? did you and william had fun yesterday?

I: i understand what you're implying and the answer is no, neither of us is ready yet and then we have to be careful because if something goes wrong, our families, our roles, and the monarchies of our countries would be affected, i can't afford to ruin the spanish monarchy trough my mistake 

Kate: woah relax, it was just a question,  to communicate but you know  there is the pill and other things to prevent that kind of thing, why are so nervous today?

I: what? nervous? i'm not nervous, i'm fine

Kate: ah, no? when you're agitated or nervous, you always look at the ground or touch your hair 

I: how do you know?

Kate: i know you by now, i know your signs of agitation and i know what you do to get over it, jut because i don't tell you anything doesn't mean i support what you do or should i say what you take?

I: i don't know what are you  talking about

Kate: are you sure? because one day i was going to class, you were back home, i took your bag instead of mine by mistake and i found some tranquilizers

I: like you said i only take them when i'm very agitated and can't calm down

Kate: it's amphetamine, it's very strong as a sedative, if you take too much it will knock you out

I: i know, and i swear to you that i only tak it when i'm very stressed, you have no idea what it means to be me, everyone  when they talk about me are reffering to the future queen of spain, the perfect and responsible daughter of the king and queen, the Princess of asturias, of girona, of viana, of the Duchess of montblanc, of the Countness of cervera, of the Lady of balaguer, of the perfect sister, of the perfect student, sometimes i just need to get away from all this

Kate: i had no idea you felt this way, but continuing to take those downers is not a good idea

I: i know, i'll try to stop i promise, but  promise me  you won't tell anything unless you've already told fergus

Kate: no, i didn't told him 

I: thank you kate

Kate: one more thing and then we won't talk about this anymore, how long have you been taking them?

I: from this year, for exams, tests, for public speeches, for when i have to do something important or something that i'm afraid of

Kate: okay, let's change the subject, do you have to meet william today ?

I: right, i forgot, he proposed  to see us in the garden


I: hey sorry, i'm late but i started talking with kate and didn't see what time it was 

William: don't worry about it, better late than never,  what were you talking about?

I: uh... just girl things

William: okay, i don't wanna know the details, as far as i know there are small differences in our royal protocols, i thought that before meeting my grandmother the queen,  you would have wanted to know them given your obsession with control

I: yeah, exacly i don't understand how you and i can be together, we are opposites

William: you know what they say in these cases, opposites attract each other 

I: that's it , you can't be serious for a second while i'm the opposite, you always take it on the funny side while  i can't, you never seem agitated while i constantly feel like that, you can let yourself go while  i try every day but i don't seem to succeed, some advice?

William: my advice is to enjoy these years before it's too late, it works for me, and regarding the fact that i never seem agitated you're wrong because i am, because i'm not ready to become like my grandmother, like my father, i'm not ready to take on all those responsibilities and to be the kind of king that the british people want

I:t he kind of king you will be, depends on you, on your actions towards the people, depends on your heart, i know that hearing me say this will seem crazy to you but this is the only thing  i am sure of, take your grandmother, queen elizabeth, one of the most powerful women and rulers in the world, she is not the same kind of queen that your great-grandmother, the queen mother was

William: you are right, you are so smart and brilliant

I: yes i know 

William: these are few of the many reasons why i love you

I: i love you too

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