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William: are you ready for the interview?

I: yeah, but i'm afraid of what people might say

William: what do you mean?

I: we have different destinies but we are destined for the same lives but in different places, perhaps here swearing on the constitution or on the flag is not taken seriously, but in my country it is an important thing and you know it

William: baby, i understand that you don't want to disappoint your people, your family and throw away all the sacrifices you have made for the spaniards and for spain, i really  understand it, but don't you think that the time has come to think about living for yourself and do what you like or be with who you like?

I: of course i would love to do it, but i don't know if it's right for them

William: for today we think of ourselves, tomorrow we will think of them

I: you're right 

Guard: your royal highnesses, the gentleman from the interview has arrived, shall i let him in?

William: yes please 

Sir: hello, your royal highnesses, it's a pleasure to meet you both

I: it's a pleasure for us too 

Sir: If i may, i must say that you speak english well

I: well thank you 

William: shall we begin?

Sir: yes, sorry 

I: can i move this cushion  please?

William: make yourself comfortable, it'll last a while

Sir: so, i would start with an obvious question, how did you meet?

I: so, i had just arrived at college in wales, i was alone and  didn't know anyone, i was still 15 almost 16, the first day i met a girl called Catherine who is now one of my best friends, that same day i met william who he was 16 years old, almost 17, at the beginning he was a bit of an idiot with me but i didn't give him any sympathy, in fact i could say that there wasn't good blood between the two of us

William: it's true, i remember it as if it happened yesterday, she hated me at first

I: no, it's not that i hated you, i just wasn't used to having a person hovering around me all the time, so it bothered me a bit

Sir: have there ever been misunderstandings between you two?

William: of course yes, but i think it's normal in a couple especially when you're young, also because we have two opposite characters, of course we also have characteristics in common otherwise we wouldn't be together

I: i probably think it's also because we have two different cultures, different habits, different ways of doing things but above all different personalities

Sir: how was college for you?

William: from an academic point of view, it went well for both of us, even if one thing that leonor wanted me to say but didn't ask me to say it today, is that she was one of the best in college and in fact she graduated with the highest of the grades given by the exams, while i graduated with a good grade even though i know i could have given more but i'm happy with how it went

I: i have always been a studious girl, who is committed to the things she does, he called me a ''control freak'', today i can say that it is somewhat true, even if little by little william is helping me to understand that i can't always have everything under control because otherwise i would no longer have a life like a girl of my age should have, as william said before i have always cared about keeping high grades and passing all exams, even if with traveling from england to spain and spain to england almost every month was not very easy

Sir: how was it for you william to meet and get to know leonor's parents, the King and Queen of spain?

William: at the beginning i was very nervous at the idea of ​​meeting them as it should be, but leonor was there by my side to reassure me, fortunately the meeting went well, i met her sister and her paternal grandparents, they were very nice and kind with me, as if i were part of the family and this made me very happy

Sir: i would ask you the same question leonor, how was it meeting and getting to know william's family?

I: i was very nervous, also because that day i didn't know about his family's custom of wearing hats, so i wasn't prepared, on the way william told me ''you need a hat to meet my family'' and i panicked and told him  ''but i don't have a hat and now where can i find one?'', luckily we found a little shop on the way and we found a hat, once we arrived at the palace there was his grandmother Queen Elizabeth, his grandfather the duke of Edinburgh, his father Prince Charles and his brother Harry, i was immediately welcomed in the best possible way and i immediately felt at ease and without worries

Sir: do you plan to start a family in the future?

William: we never talked about it, but i always dreamed of having children and possibly becoming a father of a girl and two boys

I: i agree with william, i would also like to become a mother in the future, i don't know if i would like a girl or a boy, but for me the important thing is that they are healthy and that they grow up in a safe environment

William: i agree with leonor, but i hope to create a family of our own together with her

Sir: an obvious question i think is your engagement ring

William: this ring belonged to my mother, it was her favourite, but i'm very happy that today it is leonor who has it on her finger, i wouldn't have given it to anyone else in the world if not to the right person for me, but above all it is a way to always have her close to me, since she is no longer here to celebrate with me on this very important day 

I: i would have loved to meet her, she is obviously an inspiring woman to look up to

Sir: okay, thanks for this interview, your royal highnesses 

William: bye 

I: good bye have a nice day 

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