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Kate: i'm glad you're back, this time you stayed for several days

I: yes, i know and in a week i will have to return to spain because it is the anniversary of my father's proclamation and then my confirmation

Kate: what is confirmation?

I: i don't know precisely but generally it is done after the first communion and serves to strenghten your bond with god  and the church, you didn't do it?

Kate: no, but here in england it can be done before the wedding, so i think i will do it before i get married

I: yes, it doesn't change much when you do it, by the way how did these days go with fergus?

Kate: they went very well, even though we always did the same things, go to class, have lunch together, take a walk in the garden  and then do it all again 

I: very interesting but what about william?

Kate: fergus said that these days he only left their room to eat and to attend lessons, otherwise  he was on his computer all the time to see a certain princess of asturias , do you know her?

I: are you serious? the activities i did weren't fun, he must have been bored

Kate: on the contrary, he seemed very interested

I: i'm glad he enjoyed seeing all that boring stuff, is he here right now?

Kate: it seems  to me that he is not here today, he went to Kensigton palace to see the queen and his family

I: did something bad  happen?

Kate: no, i don't think so,  fergus would have told me, don't worry leo, everything will be okay, the queen probably asked him to return to the palace to see him 

I: yeah, probably you're right

Kate: you'll see that when he comes back, he'll tell you everything

I: i hope you're right 


Q. Elisabeth: william, it's nice to see my grandson again

William: yeah for me too granny

Q. Elisabeth: how's college going? your father told me  that you are having remarkable results

William: yes, it's very difficult to keep up  but i'm managing to get good grades

Q. Elisabeth: this is what i wanted to hear 

William: granny, can i ask you something? 

Q. Elisabeth:  yeah sure dear 

William: why did you summon me to Kensigton at such short notice?

Q. Elisabeth: i wanted to talk to you, why did you have some exams today?

William: no, but today someone important to me was returning to school

Q. Elisabeth: oh really? who is it? is she a girl? please don't tell me you're back with catherine 

William: no, no we are just friends and now she is dating  fergus, my best friend 

Q. Elisabeth: so no girl?

William: no, well....there's a girl and we've been dating recently, she had to come home for some commitments and today she was going back to college

Q. Elisabeth: is she the girl that you wanted someone to translate spanish for?

William: yes, and our relationship is becoming serious so i would like you to approve her when i'll introduce her to you

Q. Elisabeth: i can't promise you anything, i first have to be sure that she is the right girl for you  and to fill the role that awaits her

William:  trust me she is, she is very intelligent, she is serious, she has a very high grades, she is among the best in college 

Q, Elisabeth: then who is she?

William: i can't say anything yet, we want to wait a little longer to see if it will work between us and then i'll let you know her 

Q. Elisabeth: as you want 

William: thank you so much  granny

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