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I: hey, i'm back

Letizia: how did it go?

I: it went well, i had fun with the other guys, has he arrived yet?

Sofia: not yet

Guard: your majesties, your royal highnesses, i am sorry to interrupt you but a guest has arrived for her royal highness Doña leonor

Fellipe: you called him 

I: hi, how was the trip?

William: it went well but there was a lot of turbolence 

I: i'm sorry , come let me introduce you to my family, ready?

William: yeah, i am ready 

I: william, these are my parents felipe and letizia, this is my sister sofia, these are my grandparents paloma and jesus and this is my grandma sofia 

Sofia: nice to meet you, leonor talks a lot about you 

William: well, i'm glad because i do too

Paloma: we finally know who the mysterious boy who won my grandaughter's heart

William: it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am 

Q. Sofia: are you the son of diana?

William: yes, i am 

Q. Sofia: you are very similar to your mother, in terms of features, when my children were kids, your parents came on holiday here in spain

William: thank you ma'am 

Felipe: my daughter didn't want to tell us anything until the end, finally now that i know she's dating you , i feel more a ease 

I: dad, you say this as i hung out with dangerous people

Felipe: you never know what can happen 

William: you must be leonor's mother, right?

Letizia: letizia, how did you know it?

William: you look alike even if one is blonde and the other is brunette

Letizia: you are the first person to say it, it seems strange but those who don't know us believe that we are not related, my daughters don't take after my family because they are both blonde, maybe sofia and I are similar because we have the same eyes

Q. Sofia: the girls resemble their father's family

William: if i may, they both took the best of their parents, they are a mix between the bourbons and the ortiz

Paloma: william is right, leonor and felipe have the same eyes, letizia and sofia have the same eyes, sofia has taken on her father's height, leonor has her mother's features, although when they were little leonor looked more like her father and sofia like her mother

Sofia: listen, we've never talked about who leonor and i are alike and today doesn't seem like the right time or day

I: sofia is right, let's go forward 

Letizia: right girls, so william is your family okay with you dating our daughter?

I: mom, please 

William: yes, i introduced her to them and they loved her immediately 

Letizia: that's such a good thing to hear 


William: baby, i have to go back to college this morning

I: what? already?

William: yeah, sadly 

I: i wanted to excuse my family for that awkward conversation they had before 

William: relax, It's nothing compared to the weird conversations between my grandmother and my father

I: good to know we're not the only ones, by the way i'll stay a few more days 

William: okay, these days will pass very slowly, what will i do without you?

I: exaggerated, you will live as you lived before you met me

William: an impossible mission

I: i'll help you to pack your things 

William: thanks 

I: have a good trip and be careful 

William: i will, don't worry 

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