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William: headmaster, do you have a moment?

Headmaster: Mr. Wales sure, come in, everything is fine?

William: yes, i wanted to ask you if i can take a day off today?

Headmaster: If i may ask, why? did something bad happen? from your results at the last exam i would say that you're  working hard and improving

William: thank you, sir but i really need a day off

Headmaster: i know it's none of my business, Mr. Wales, but did something happen with Miss de Borbon? i know you two were very close, if something happened with Miss de Borbon, i recommend you clarify so as not to hinder your academic performance

William: thanks for your concern but as you said, this is none of your business

Headmaster: you're right, sorry, you can take a day off for today but be on time for lessons tomorrow

Willliam: okay, thank you 

Headmaster: have a good day, Mr. Wales

William: you too


Harry: william, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at school?

William: yeah, i could ask you the same thing, why aren't you at school?

Harry: if you care to know , they suspended me

William: what? does dad know? what have you done this time?

Harry: yeah, unfortunately he know it, they caught me smoking weed with some of my friends and they suspended us

William: really a smart move, smoking weed at school

Harry: i  don't need the sermon, dad and grandpa have already taken care of it

William: i'm the last one who can lecture you

Harry: what did you do? 

William: leonor and i had an argument and now we are no longer together

Harry: why did you argue? let me guess, you cheated on her with another girl while leonor wasn't there, did i guess?

William: what? no, i  didn't cheat on her

Harry: so what happened? 

William: but please don't tell anyone, okay?

Harry: okay, relax 

William: when leonor was in spain, i had lost something important and to be sure i went to check if it was in kate and leonor's room, i looked in leonor's bag and found some tranquilizers, a few days later a girl called Isabella arrived , and i  proposed to tutor her for the first few days because i was angry with leonor for having lied to me, yesterday we spoke and she wanted to explain to me but i didn't even let her explain, then i told her that it was better not to continue this relationship, i was too harsh on her, isn't it?

Harry: who expected the perfect princess to use amphetamine

William: harry, that's not the important thing, give me some advice, what do you think i should do?

Harry: right, sorry do you still love her?

William: of course i do

Harry: i think you should let her explain why she did it, without yelling at her and trying to understand her point of view

William: maybe i'll try 

Harry: good 

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