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Sofia: mom, there's something that leo and i wanted to ask you 

Letizia: should i get worried?

Sofia: let's say yes

I: no, mom don't listen to her

Letizia: what's happening girls?

Sofia: leonor will explain it to you as she is the most direct about these things

I: thanks for making me play the bad part, what sofia and i wanted to ask you or rather tell you that  we were a little shocked concerns the fact that yesterday you broke the protocol twice

Letizia: when? 

I: when you hugged me and when you put your arm around sofia's side, It was strange  for us to see you breaking the rules of protocol especially in public at an important event

Sofia: the same protocol that ever since leonor and i were little, you forced us to follow it and if we didn't follow it correctly you looked at us badly or sometimes you pinched us on the arm to make us remember the rules

Letizia: maybe when you two  were younger i exaggerated a little, let's say that both your father and i were too attached to the rules

Sofia: but dad didn't do what you did when we made mistakes

I: now that i think about it, dad made us understand with his arms, with his eyes and with his body when we made mistakes

Letizia: as i was saying maybe i was too strict with you two when you were little but i only did it for your good and to get you used to your future roles as future queen and future princess, and looking at you today i realize that i raised you well but i was too strict, now you are two young women who are living their experiences, first loves and serious relationships, you are growing up too fast and i am not ready to let you go

Sofia: mom, if you know you were too harsh on us, why did you keep doing it?

Letizia: because when i married your father, grandpa and grandma didn't want him to marry me because i wasn't an aristocrat but i was just a journalist, your father threatened your grandfather by telling him that if he didn't let him marry me, he would renounce the crown and then your grandfather gave in, from that day i promised myself to stick to the rules of protocol, then after the wedding the media and newspapers started to spread fake news about me, a year later in 2005 leonor was born and there were a lot of prejudices when me and your father  announced that i was pregnant with a little girl, due to the fact that in this family there has never been a little girl as heir to the throne so that day i told myself that i would not let anything happen to you and that i would was severe with you to prepare you for your future and to make all the people who were not happy that there would be a woman on the spanish throne in the future regret it, then two years later in 2007  sofia was born, almost everyone including yours grandparents expected me to be pregnant with a child this time so that when your father became king, the baby boy  would overtake leonor in the line of succession to the throne but to the regret of many people you were born and i promised myself to educate you and your sister leonor equally and without preferences

Felipe: i don't know if you've read the article that HELLO MAGAZINE published

I: no, we haven't read it but we are late, we have to go and welcome the winners of this edition of the princess of asturias awards


X: welcome their majesties and their royal highnesses

X: welcome their majesties and their royal highnesses

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