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Kate: good morning,  i wanted to wish you best wishes on your confirmation

I: thank you, have you seen it?

Kate: you can bet, it was the topic of all the students who gathered in the common room yesterday to see your confirmation and a certain prince didn't like all this attention on you at all

I: why? did he say something?

Kate: no, but i could tell he was jealous of all that attention on you, he was in the common room for the first ten minutes and then went back to his room

I: i'll talk to him later, but tell me how did things went with  fergus?

Kate: really good, we had so much fine last night

I: and what do you mean by that? don't tell me it's what i think

Kate: well, yes it's what you think

I: oh, gross and where did you do it?

Kate: relax, not in our room, but in a secluted place

I: and tell me how was it?

Kate: i can't explain it to you, it's a pleasant sensation, it's an important thing that needs to be done with the right person, but today all of my bones hurt

I: i don't want to imagine, wait a moment did you do it safely?

Kate: if by sure you mean if i took the pill, the answer is yes

I: luckily, i already imagined a little kate or a little fergus around college

Kate: it would be a real disaster, you know they say that making love helps you concentrate, your muscles relax  and to be less agitated

I: get to the point

Kate: okay, my point is that when you feel stressed or nervous instead of taking those downers, you could do other things to help you relax 

I: still with this story?

Kate: yes, because i care about you and because i want to help you

I: thank you for the concern but you don't need to worry, i'm okay

Kate: do as you want but when you want i'm here for you

I: thank you, i know

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