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I: look who's back 

Kate: oh my god, is this really you? it's not a  hallucination

I: no, it's me, i'm back 

Kate: finally, i missed you so much, i didn't know what to do without you

I: i missed you too, i imagine you have some things to tell me, don't you?

Kate: you bet, where do i  start?

I: i don't know, what about you and fergus? did i miss that much?

Kate: since you returned to spain, things have changed a bit between us 

I: in a good way or in a bad way?

Kate: in a good way, i felt alone when you weren't there, i didn't know who to talk to or who to confide in so fergus was very close to me

I: i'm sorry you felt alone but you know it's not my fault, if anything blame the royal  agenda

Kate: yes, damn the real agenda that has kept you all this time away from me and a certain person who can't wait to see you again

I: i agree, i know i have to go to william but finish telling me about you and fergus

Kate: by the way when i  told you that things had changed a bit, i wasn't just referring to me and fergus....

I: what do you mean? 

Kate: i didn't want to tell you but since you're my best friend it's only right that you hear it from me

I: what? i am getting worried

Kate: when you were not there a new girl arrived, isabella, and william proposed to tutor her until she adapted

I: there is more?

Kate: leonor i'm really not the one who has to tell you

I: well but you're the only one who's telling me

Kate: to be honest with you, i've been seeing william as strange for a couple of days, then i've always seen him in isabella's company these days

I: are you saying that you think there's something there?

Kate: i think there is something on isabella's part, but i don't think william has feelings for her

I: and what should i do now? should i just stand by and do nothing?

Kate: you should talk to him about it

I: what if he got tired of me? we both know that he is a free spirit and that he doesn't like to be held down by another person

Kate: you ask yourself questions that only he can answer

I: well maybe i'm afraid to hear the answer

Kate: you are thinking too much and if you don't talk to him they will never go away

I: now that it's just the two of us, when i'm with him i feel strange in a good way obviously

Kate: try to describe it, maybe i can help you 

I: i'll try, when i'm with him i feel like a child again, i feel safe, i don't think about the rules like i do every day, i feel understood, i  feel loved and i  feel free

Kate: damn, you're really in love with him

I: exactly, it's as if i had.....

Kate: butterflies in the stomach

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