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William:  hey, i wanted to congratulate you on your confirmation

I: thank you so much 

William: did kate tell you that she and fergus.....?

I: unfortunately  yes she did, i didn't want to know the details , luckily for me

William: fergus told me everything including the details, i was shocked

I:  like me when kate told me this morning

William: by the way,  i talked to harry these two days and i asked him if he wrote letters to your sister 

I: what did he say?

William: he confirmed it, they started writing at the beginning of last year when you and i met, harry found your palace's email and started writing letters addressed to sofia and then they continued

I: so they are friends?

William: i would say yes

I: good, because i would like to talk to you about us

William: what about us?

I: i was thinking that since we've been together for a while now, maybe it's time to introduce ourselves to our respective families, what do you think? i know that you might think it's too soon.... but since i'm almost 17 and you're almost 18

William: no, it's the perfect timing actually

I: really? i'm glad that you're agree with me 

William: i would say meet my family first as we are already  here in england 

I: that's fine with me

William: good,  then i will ask my grandmother for a meeting 

I: okay, sure good idea 

William:  i would have liked you to meet my mother, she would have adored you, have i ever told you that you remind me so much of her?

I: no, this is the  first time that you tell me about her

William: i should do it more often, , you are very similiar to her in character and also in appearance since you both have blonde hair, blue eyes and it's a shame that she can't meet  the girl of my dreams and she won't be able to meet harry's future girlfriend or be able to be there on my 18th birthday

I: will, i am sure that she's watching you and your brother from up there and i bet that she couldn't be more proud of the young men you've become

Willliam: thank you, it's really important to me

I: now it's better if we go to sleep, because it's late

William: right, good night beautiful 

I: night, see you tomorrow

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