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HELLO MAGAZINE: Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofia are on a flight to Australia, to attend the final of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup, letizia and sofia are cheering for the spanish team that will face the English Lionesses, Prince Charles of Wales is not will participate in the match today. Princess Leonor will not join her sister and mother on the mother-daughter trip to Australia because she is dedicating herself to preparing for her last exam before finishing college, Sofia will attend next year in the United Kingdom, the youngest daughter of the king and of the Queen will begin her studies at UWC Atlantic in Wales where her sister Leonor is now studying

 Princess Leonor will not join her sister and mother on the mother-daughter trip to Australia because she is dedicating herself to preparing for her last exam before finishing college, Sofia will attend next year in the United Kingdom, the younges...

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X: we're here today with her majesty queen letizia and her royal highness Infanta Sofia in Australia, would you like say something to the team?

Letizia:  is a joy  and it is emotional to be here in Sydney today to support and to accompany the players and the entire coaching staffs in a final that is making  vibrate the whole spain, i believe that on our side they have the ability to overcome obstacles, work and effort, the desire to win and hopefully luck will also be with us tonight but regardless of what happens , they are already champions

X: i would like to know your opinion too, have you seen the world cup? if you like the football team, tell us 

Sofia: i am really looking forward to the start of the game and above all, go to the locker room afterwards and congratulate them whatever happens

Sofia: i am really looking forward to the start of the game and above all, go to the locker room afterwards and congratulate them whatever happens

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