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Q. Elisabeth: william, dear you were quick to come

William: hello granny, actually i was already here 

Q. Elisabeth: shouldn't you be at school?

William: yes, but i took a day off 

Q. Elisabeth: why? did something happen?

William: i thought harry told you

Q. Elisabeth: yes he told me,  but i  wanted to hear it from you

William: leonor and i broke up

Q. Elisabeth: do you want a tip?

William: yeah please, i don't know what to do, maybe i was too harsh on her, i didn't let her explain 

Q. Elisabeth: are you really in love with her?

William: yeah of course 

Q. Elisabeth: in this case you have to fight for me, letting her explain, give her a second chance, she is the right one for you

William: you said the same thing about kate and yet we broke up

Q. Elisabeth: i was wrong with kate but it was predictable

William: what do you mean?

Q. Elisabeth: of my four children only one has never been divorced, your father is divorced, your uncle andrew is divorced, your aunt anne is divorced, your uncle edward is the only one still married

William: i know, granny can we go back to my situation please?

Q. Elisabeth: right, with leonor it's different, you are different, your eyes shine when you're with her or talk about her, remember that people do things for a reason, if she lied to you she must have done it for a reason, you just have to understand which one is

William: what if i'm afraid to find out what it is?

Q. Elisabeth: you shouldn't be afraid, you've endured worse things than this, talking to leonor will be a walk in the park

William: it would be, if i hadn't yelled at her and acted stupid

Q. Elisabeth: everything will go back to normal, don't worry 

William: thank you granny, now i have to go back to colllege 

Q. Elisabeth: please follow my advice, talk to her 

William: i will 

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