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I: happy birthday kate

Kate: thank you leo, did you remember?

I: but of course, we talked about it some time ago, i haven't forgotten

Kate: elizabeth still hasn't gone back to college?

I: no, not yet but i think she will have to stay in belgium for a few days

Kate: why?

I: she is preparing to be sworn in on the belgian constitution as she has reached the age of majority

Kate: will you also have to do something like this when you turn 18?

I: yes, i will but let's not talk about me, today is your big day 

Kate: i can't believe i'm turning 18 today

I: how does it feel to be older?

Kate: very funny, but don't worry because in a few months you too will turn 18 and only then will you find out

I: did Fergus give you a birthday present?

Kate: yes, he gave me flowers this morning and then after we graduate he booked a trip

I: ah and where he is it taking you?

Kate: he said it's a surprise

I: what a nice thought

Kate: yes, now it's better if we get ready

I: why? where should we go?

Kate: tonight for my birthday, you, fergus and william will come to my parents' house, i wanted to invite elizabeth too but unfortunately she's not there

I: okay, and how should i dress?

Kate: not too fancy since we'll be at home


William: happy birthday kate

Kate: thanks william 

Fergus: happy birthday love, good evening mr. and mrs. Middleton 

William: hey beautiful 

I: hi, we haven't seen each other in a long time

William: you're right, we've both been very busy these days

I: i know and i'm sorry but tomorrow i have to go back to spain again

William: let me guess for the princess of asturias awards?

I: you came close to the right answer, but this time they are the awards of the princess of girona

William: and when you'll return?

I: in more than a few days we will have to wait to spend some time together

William: i hate waiting

I: yes, me too but we can't do it any other way and you know it

William: right well it means that i will wait for you until you return

Fegus: come guys, kate is about to blow out the candles

I: here we are

Fergus: you have to make a wish

Kate: my wish has already come true

William: really? and what is it ?

Kate: that i'm celebrating my eighteenth birthday with my best friend, my boyfriend and a dear friend of mine

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