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first week check.

[listen to 'Say Yes To Heaven' when you see the cue]

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[listen to 'Say Yes To Heaven' when you see the cue]



"I'm right here Care" his sweet voice echoed and I stirred from nap. Glancing around, I found myself in the nurse's office with a relieved Liam beside me. "What happened..." I released a groan and I pulled aside the ridiculous ice pack from my forehead. "Another one" he answered.

"Aren't you going for your sessions?" he questioned, his gaze on me intensifying. Lying didn't seem like the best option so I decided to be upfront about it. Lying to Liam was the hardest thing for me. "Okay don't be mad..." I slowly started but he and I both knew the outcome of this sentence. "Seriously Care?!" And off he began his long, boring and so called threatening speech. Waiting for him to finish proved to be the best idea so I took my own sweet time and checked my phone, texted my parents saying I was okay, texted Li's parents saying I was okay and eventually by then he was done.

"I am going to come with you for your sessions starting tomorrow lady!" his voice dipped in a low, menacing voice but I found it hard not to laugh at his attempt on being strict. "Laugh once more and you'll see what happens" and I zipped my mouth.

"Can we please go back to class?" I pleaded the nurse in hopes to get away from Liam but the nurse said I had to wait until the period ended. Which meant Li had more time to lecture me but I wasn't about to sit and hear his nags so I excused myself to use the restroom.

About ten minutes later, the bell rang and I ran towards the classroom with a frustrated Liam running behind me. I was happy to be among the noisy crowd again. My eyes hurriedly searched for our friends when I caught them coming down the stairs. "Hey guys!!!" I yelled and Claire looked up, pointing at me and tapping the others.

"So you sure you're okay?" Liam rechecked for the billionth time and I nodded for the billionth time. "Dad please calm down" I teased and earned a nudge to the ribs for a response. "What all did we miss?" I changed the topic before Liam could interrupt once again.

"Nothing much really. It was all introductions. Seating arrangements are the usual. Oh but our school is setting up a new thing which is called after school extra curricular. Basically we are supposed to join clubs. There's Math Club, Science Club, English Club, Commerce Club, Theatre Club, Sports Club, IT Club and Fashion Club. So we need to submit our names in any one by the end of the week. The sessions will take place from 2 pm to 3:30 pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday." Nic concluded.

"Clubs? Have you guys decided?"I asked around and everyone nodded. "Fashion!" Meghan replied.

"IT for me" Nic added.

"Sports" John called out from the back.

"English" Susan and Claire smiled.

"Commerce" Josh was the last to reply and then my lovely friend spoke up too. "Science for me"

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