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another confession?

another confession?

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I take everything back. I am so not falling for that guy.

Just this morning, he ran into my room, screaming while blaring loud music. Grumpy enough as I was, I tried getting ready but his jumpy ass wouldn't settle. Finally I threw a kick straight to his balls.

Then he left silently.

We were now walking into the school gates, my nervousness at its peak. Today would be the day I would get a confirmation whether I got in or not. The pounding in my heart never ceased to stop till we arrived at the notice board.

Liam grabbed my hand,squeezing it tightly as we push past the people.

Slowly I opened my eyes, revealing...

"YES!!!!!!!" I screamed while turning to jump on Liam, almost knocking him out.

"I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!" he yelled, pulling my body closer. Giggling in joy, I heaved a huge sigh of relief, the weight of my heart lightening at the joyful news. Jackson immediately hurried up to us, panting heavily.

"Care!!! Congrats!!!"

"Congrats to you too!!" I smiled, patting his back in encouragement till Liam decided to cut across.

"Sorry man need to head to class! Bye!" he gripped my wrist, turning around while stomping down the corridor. Turning back, I smile apologetically and allowed Liam to drag me to class because I was on cloud nine.

"Jackson seems like an ass" Liam commented and I rolled my eyes. It was already lunch time and he still hadn't let go about Jackson. I couldn't help but be honest, it was really starting to piss me off.

"Li shut up" I remarked but he scoffed in reply. Annoyance grew inside of me but I kept quiet for the sake of choosing peace.

"I mean he isn't even that—-"

"SHUT UP LIAM!" I screamed, the noisy cafeteria falling into a complete silence, eyes turning in our direction. Liam stared at me, horrified but I fumingly got up, leaving my tray on the table and marched out, banging the doors shut on my way.

What the hell was his problem , I kept pondering when a cough beside me awoke me to my senses. Jackson leaned against the balcony, his lips breaking out into a smile while handing me a soda.

"I figured you might need this" Jackson grinned and I accepted it. "Thanks" I reply while opening the can and gulping it down to ease my nerves.

"What did Liam do?"

"He's being an ass" I replied nonchalantly. Jackson chuckled, immediately making me give in to the laughter as well. "Sounds like him"

"Why is he being an ass?"

"I wish I knew. It's something to do with you though. I think he believes that I might get super close to you and leave him out or something..." I replied, running my hand through my hair, a sigh of annoyance exhaled.

Jackson cleared his throat, straightening his posture and staring dead at me in the eyes.

"I do want to get closer to you Caroline"

I stared back at him, confusion drawn across my face making him exhale hesitantly. "Um, I think I like you. I'm not sure. I mean I am sure about 80% . I just..." he gathered his thoughts, calming his composure and placed both his hands on my shoulder.

"I want to pursue you!" he exclaimed and I dropped the soda can.

"Shit sorry!" I squeaked while moving aside from the puddle of mountain dew. He shook his head, dropped his arms and stared at me, awaiting a reply.

"Can I... pursue you?" he quietly asked, the shyness creeping in while he rubbed his nape.

"Um, I guess so? I haven't dated anyone Jackson so I really don't know. And I mean I have seen you as a friend all this time. But right now, I am so confused" I admitted.

"Then I will pursue you to make you not confused any further" Jackson smiled and immediately raised his arm to pat my head. I couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation near my heart at his touch but I remained calm.

"You will fall for me Caroline" he cheekily responded and left me at the balcony, alone to my confusing thoughts.

What the fucking hell just happened?!

What the fucking hell just happened?!

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hmp <33

introducing an interesting love triangle? or maybe a love square? or a love octagon?!?!

im just teasing!!

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