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"She needs to be in perfect health for our leader. The poor thing needs a full detox. The food she's been eating has caused cysts and other health issues throughout her body and she's malnourished." The alien nurse sighed. "I need her detoxified first,then we'll remove the cysts. After the cysts are removed we'll provide her with some proper food to eat. None of that earthly food with chemicals in it." She ordered. The second alien nurse gagged at the thought of chemicals in food.

Vivians pov*

I woke up in a strange room. The bright white lights of it blinded me. It looked so odd to me that I thought I was in heaven for a minute. I tried to get up from the soft bed with sheets of silk when suddenly I felt a slight ache in my stomach. I lifted the strange dress I was wearing to uncover what looked like a small pink scar on my stomach. What happened to me? I thought to myself as I felt the material of the dress. It was white silk with thin see through sleeves. It was a loose dress, made for comfort or sleep.

I made another attempt at getting up from the bed and approached a small table upon the floor with a meal placed on it. I liked the fact that I would be sitting on the floor to eat it. It was better than sitting in an uncomfortable chair. I've always preferred eating while sitting on couches or on the floor it's just way more comfy.
I took a bite of what I assumed were fruits. They had a wonderful taste! The purple one tasted like plum but the aftertaste was like chocolate. And the bright red pieces of fruit were sweet like cherrys but tasted fresher. And the yellow berries tasted sour but had a very sweet aftertaste that made my mouth water. Whoever placed this meal out for me I was very grateful to them,I haven't had fresh fruit in a long time. I had to survive off of canned foods mostly.

A thought suddenly came to my head as I was finishing my meal. Am I in a alien ship? And what did they want with me? They killed survivors and I would be of no use to them why? I looked up from my meal to assess the room more. Large curtains hung from the walls and woven carpets covered the floor. It kinda looked Bohemian style. I didn't see a kitchen though so sadly I couldn't get a weapon from there. Where could I get a weapon from...oh maybe the bathroom would have one. I got up to find a bathroom and luckily I did. The wall with a button beside it opened up to reveal a bathroom. I dug through the drawers of the bathroom but found none. All I found were products that were most likely soaps and herbs.

Suddenly the door to my room slid open.
Shit!! I jumped into the tub and it automatically began filling with warm water.
Fuckkkk! My dress is all wet! Oh well maybe if I hide in the water they'll leave me alone.
I listened for steps while hiding in the water. I could hear someone rummaging through the blankets and curtains in the room looking for me. Then the steps approached the bathroom and went straight to the tub.
That's when I saw him. The leader of the aliens that took my planet.

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