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When I woke up I heard many voices outside my room in the halls. I went to investigate why there was so much noise so early in the morning. It was the soldiers they were walking to breakfast but they were talking very loudly. It seemed that they were excited about the celebration tonight. They would be honored for their victory in war. Most of them I assumed were excited to return to their wives and families.

Since they were to noisy I decided to skip breakfast. I wasn't to hungry this morning anyways since i ate plenty last night with Valerian. After breakfast the soldiers returned to their rooms to prepare for the celebration. I didn't know what time we'd be landing on the planet,I assumed it would be soon so I put the black outfit Valerian picked for me on and went to the mirror to fix my hair. I decided to leave most of it down and put two small braids in it that would be tied together in the back. Just as I finished my hair Desmond and Valerian walked in.

I was hesitant to turn around...these clothes revealed way to much. My cleavage,my stomach, and most of my legs were exposed. I looked like I was some belly dancer they hired or possibly even a stripper.

"We'll be landing very soon." Desmond exclaimed.

"Do you want to look out the window as we land." Valerian asked as he walked over to me.

I quickly placed my arms over my chest and ducked down so he wouldn't see me like this. Then the ship began to shake with turbulence and I fell over backwards right in front of him.He was wearing a black skintight combat suit like the soldiers wore but his had no sleeves , his muscled arms were crossed and he was looking down at me with a mischievous grin. He wore silver armbands on his upper arms and a thick silver necklace that was a v shape.
He was bent over looking down at me like I was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"No I'm okay I think I'll just wait here till we land." I laughed as Valerian extended his hand to me to help me up.

I covered my cleavage when I got back up and walked over to Desmond who was looking me over. Desmond was wearing the same combat suit as the soldiers except his was silver and he had the same jewelry on as Valerian. Desmond bent down and took my other hand and kissed it. His pointed ears went back .

"You look beautiful,just like a Zolarian...but smaller." He mused

"Thank you." I responded and removed my hand from my cleavage. I couldn't cover myself all day, it was pointless so I decided to give up any sense of decency now.

The ship shook again and I heard a thud.
"Come with me." Desmond extended his hand.
Even though I didn't want to I took his hand and he took me down the halls and eventually to the door that led outside, Valerian was a few steps behind us.

His planet was beautiful. We had landed right in front of a mansion and a giant pavilion. I didn't see any guest yet but i figured they would arrive a bit later. Desmond guided me over to the bar that they had set up under the pavilion outside and made me one of those green drinks that tasted like a energy drink and walked away to tell the decorators something. Valerian went to sit by me at the bar and fixed himself a drink to. I watched as the soldiers unloaded from the ship and made their way home. Once all the soldiers were unloaded I got up to explore my surroundings. I walked around the pavilion to see what kind of decorations Desmond was ordering to be put out. It looked like they were putting up bright white lights and a big assortment of flowers as the decorations.

I looked up to the sky to see if it looked any different than my planet. It didn't seem much different. The plants here did look different though I thought to myself at I wandered away from the pavilion and into the woods. Some of the plants here were more colorful. Some of them from what I could see had red stems instead of green like on earth. And trees here are much bigger than any I've ever seen on earth.

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