wedding planning

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Silas's pov*

Once we entered the mansion Ezra approached us asking if she had said yes.
I told him she said yes then I informed Warrik and the generals. They all congratulated us and Atlas started complaining about wanting to stay as best man for our wedding to which I replied that he has a much more important task at hand. To make it up to him I told him that tonight we would be drinking a special celebratory drink which cheered him up a bit.  I quickly walked into the kitchen to get the celebratory wine and ordered the cooks to make seafood and greens for dinner.

As we all ate and drank together we talked of many things and i felt as if this was the happiest day of my life.

"So Viv how many children are gonna be running around here when I get back?" Atlas joked and started laughing at her bashful expression.

" or two. I think more than two children would be to many." She hesitated.

" Two would be perfect." I assured her.

" Speaking of children...Ezra when are you going to settle down with my sister?" Jasper asked.

Vivian spat her wine out in shock.

"That federation woman is your sister?" She shouted.

"Yep. Our parents insisted we both get high ranking positions and the next thing I know she outranked me." Jasper shrugged.

Ezra rolled his eyes.
"I told you already I don't think she'd be interested in me." He responded.

"Oh really, that's not what I heard from her. She told me that she's just to busy for a relationship, and that if she had time she would probably go out with you." Jasper said nonchalantly.

"Really? When did she say this?" Ezra asked.

"After that last meeting." Jasper said.

"Good to know." Ezra said as he became lost in thought.

Suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder by Atlas who pointed to Vivian who had fallen asleep at the table.

"Looks like I've exhausted my bride." I joked as I gently lifted her up from the table and took her upstairs to my bed.

Vivians pov*

When I woke up Silas was at his desk doing his paperwork with Warrik in the room and I could hear the servants quickly scattering about in the halls outside of our bedroom.

"What's going on." I yawned.

"The servants are preparing the mansion for our wedding tomorrow." Silas smiled as he gazed at me lovingly.

"Mmh so soon?" I said as I stretched my arms and legs.

"Yes and you are going to be ordering those servants around today." Silas said as he handed me a list of things that needed to be decided on for the wedding.

"And what are you going to be doing today?" I asked sassily as I raised my eyebrows.

" Paperwork and sending Atlas and his soldiers to earth along with some of our finest scientists. Pick whatever you want for our wedding beautiful, I'm sure whatever you pick will be lovely." Silas explained.

Warrik quickly escorted me out the room and shut the door after our conversation. It seemed like today would be a very very busy one.

One of the servants walked up to me and escorted me to the living room table where breakfast was already laid out. She grabbed my list and quickly glanced through it.

"Let's start with decor shall we. What color table cloth and center pieces." The servant asked.

I thought for a moment invisioning my dream wedding.

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