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Silas's pov*

Vivian and I made love all night after the wedding. I feared that I was exhausting her to much though. I couldn't seem to keep myself off of her. When I went for round three she sighed and joked that I was breeding her. She wasn't entirely wrong about that. I did want children. I wanted to start a family with her as soon as possible and I hoped that she felt the same. She didn't take any contraception last night, perhaps this morning she would take some.

It was one in the afternoon when she finally woke up from sleeping in. She was glowing
beautifully even though she still had tiredness in her eyes. The sunlight hit the bed just right making her eyes twinkle a amber color as she looked at me.

" Good afternoon my queen, sleep well?" I asked as I handed her a coffee.

"I would have slept better if my husband wasn't trying to breed me last night." She joked.

" Speaking of, if you don't want children right away you should probably hurry and take some contraception." I suggested.

Her expression filled with question and she placed her hand on her bare stomach as she got lost deep in thought.

"I think I'll let nature take its course, I don't want to be on birth control." She said nervously as if she was unsure about her answer.

" ... hopefully one of our children will be a girl, I've always wanted a girl." She added.

" One girl and one boy would be perfect." I suggested.

"Mmh whatever big guy just come cuddle me. Pick a movie or something for us to watch on TV to." She demanded.

" So bossy." I joked as I grabbed the remote and came back into bed.

She curled up beside me in my arms as I scrolled through several horror movies till I came across one that interested us both.
It was about a church that was haunted by several dead priest. It had a lot of jump scares and Vivian kept jumping in fright and going tense in my arms.

" If it's to scary for you I can pick something else." I offered.

" No this is a good movie, it just has alot of jump scares." She said as her eyes focused on the TV.

"After this movie is over we have to go through the wedding gifts alright." I said.

" How many are there?" She asked as she raised her brows.

" A lot. It's gonna take awhile to go through them." I responded.

"What do you think most of them are?" She asked curiously.

"Well usually it's things for the bride. I wouldn't know." I exposed.

She got up from the bed and quickly went to the closet to get dressed and came out wearing a light pink ball gown dress with no straps and a pink ribbon around her neck tied into a bow.

"Well now I'm really curious what the gifts are." She giggled as she went out the door to her room and motioned for me to follow her.

She asked one of the servants where they put the gifts and we were lead to the ballroom where an enormous pile of gifts awaited us.

"Holy shit." She cursed as she gawked at the pile.

She motioned for me to sit down by the pile and she started handing me gifts to open.
The first few gifts she opened were lingerie and the next few were soaps and beauty products. As we got halfway through the gift pile we started finding baby items for when the little one came along. Her face flushed as she opened the baby supplies and she looked to me happily.

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