The shower

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Vivians pov*

I had gotten Silas to remove the collar which meant he was starting to trust me I think.
Good. Now all I had to do was keep seducing him so that I could escape. Hopefully soon he'd let me lure him to his ship.

Being alone together in the bathroom seemed like the perfect opportunity to seduce him.

" Does your bite numb pain or does your strange alien saliva do that... perhaps that would help with my neck." I said sensualy as I placed my hand on his back and piered down at him rummaging through the medical drawer.

"Ill show you what my bite does." He said huskily and lifted me up pressing me against the shower wall.

I gasped as he kissed the side of my neck where he bit me last time.
Then he started kissing the other side of my neck so gently that a loud moan escaped from my lips. I felt him smile against my neck in satisfaction.
"I love the little noises you make as I kiss you." He said breathlessly.

My face flushed a bright red as I looked into his eyes in desperation. I wanted him to kiss my lips like he did my neck. I wanted to feel what his lips felt like in his real form and not Valerian's. 
"Your being such a good girl." Silas praised as he pressed me harder into the shower wall.

He licked the side of my neck and grazed his sets of fangs against it. His fangs stung as they slowly entered my neck. I started whimpering and gasping as he pulled my hair to bite my neck more.
"Silas please." I begged

"Please what." He teased. He started kissing my lower neck and went further down till he was kissing the top of my breasts.

He set me down and started unbuttoning his shirt exposing the deadly muscles of his body and threw his shirt to the ground.
Then he backed me into the corner of the shower as if I was his prey.

He bent down and pressed his lips against mine gently kissing me. My lips felt numb and tingled as he pulled away to see my expression.

"That's what you wanted wasn't it." He said as he grazed his tongue across his teeth.

"Yes." I said breathlessly.

Suddenly I was lifted up again and placed gently on the bed.  I tried crawling away from his advances but then he pulled me under him and pinned my wrist.

"I'm not done with you yet." He smirked devilishly.

He leaned down and kissed me deeply and more passionately over and over again till I was panting.

He took one of his hands and raised my shirt enough to expose my stomach and started gently tracing the curves of my hips with his fingers.

"So beautiful." He murmured.
He let go of my wrist and kissed my stomach which tickled a lot.

"That tickles!" I laughed pushing him away from my stomach.

"Oh does it?" He smirked ,lowering his head back down to my stomach kissing it even gentler than before.

"Stoppppp." I giggled and crawled away from him and off the bed.

He got up as well and grabbed himself some fresh clothes from his closet. Then he walked into the bathroom and locked himself in there.

He was probably satisfying himself because it was awhile before he came out of the bathroom.

When he came out his hair was wet and slicked back and he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with silver buttons and a pair of black pants.

"Where are you going all dressed up." I asked.

"You and I are going to have dinner together on the balcony." He said smoothly as he straightened his shirt.

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