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Vivians pov*

" Are we going to leave the mansion?" I asked sweetly fluttering my lashes.

"We'll be watching documentaries." He responded.

I climbed on top of him and sat on his lap facing him.

" What you dont trust me enough to take me outside, I promise I'll be a good girl." I whisper in his ear and nipped his ear lobe.
I felt him get hard beneath me.
I pulled away and pouted my lips. "Please." I begged.

"You gonna have to be a good girl here." He said huskily adjusting himself beneath me.

"I'm not going to behave till I get what I want." I murmured as I leaned in close to his lips to where we were almost kissing then pulled away smirking and climbed off of him.

"You'll take me outside won't you, we could take a ride in your ship around the planet?" I begged.

He pulled me back into his lap, this time I was facing the TV instead of him.
He wrapped a arm around my waist and reached for the remote with the other.
He turned on a documentary of his planet and its origins. I sighed with aggravation. His ass was going to take me outside one way or another. I was going to lure him into taking me to that ship and once we were inside of it I was gonna kill him and fly it home.I just needed to convince him which was going to take awhile apparently.

"I think I would learn more if you showed me yourself." I yawned.

"You'll learn this way for now,untill you can be trusted to go outside." He ordered.

"And when will that be?" I said aggervatedly.

"I don't know yet that depends on you." He responded.

Two hours of the documentary went by and I was starting to get really tired. I went to remove his arm from my waist but he wouldn't move it.  " Let go of me!" I snapped and struggled to pull his arm off.

"Your staying here till the documentary is over." He commanded and held tighter to my waist.

"Please let go of me I'm tired." I begged.

Suddenly I was scooped into his arms and he was taking me to his room. He put me on the bed then went to lock the door to his room. I backed away towards the top of the bed and clamped my legs.
He walked past me and went to the desk in the room and started reading through paperwork and signing some of it.

I didn't feel safe locked in here with him so I just laid in bed and watched as he filed his paperwork till he turned to me.
" You need to sleep if your tired. I promise I won't disturb your sleep." He stated.

I didn't want to trust him but my eyes were starting to give in to exhaustion so I turned and gave in to sleep.

Silas's pov*

She had resulted to seduction as her new escape plan which was going to benefit me greatly.  She'd get used to me this way, physically and mentally instead of avoiding me and trying to end her life.  I smiled as I thought of how she tried seducing me in the living room which I was still hard from.

She was resting on my bed when I heard her mumbling something in her sleep. I listened closely to what she was saying in her sleep.

"Can't beat me... leaving." She spoke softly and her body clenched in fear.

I quickly got up from my office chair to sit by her limp body on my bed. I started stroking her hair and moved some from her face.
She had such long beautiful hair, the color of my planets fuels. I admired how soft it felt in my hands as I stroked it.

"Mmmh Valerian." She mumbled.

"No its not Valerian beautiful, its me, you were having a nightmare." I whispered as I rubbed her back. She had so much tension in it I noticed.

She quickly opened her eyes and turned to face me.  She looked fearful of what I might do next.

"What were you dreaming about, I heard you say something about someone beating you."   I asked softly.

"It's none of your business Silas." She snapped.

"I could easily kill whoever beat you, just say the word and it's done." I gritted.

"They probably died off after the war so there's no need." She said sadly.

She sat up. Her hair flooded down to cover her face as she looked down at her hands that were fidgeting with the blanket.
Then she sighed, her chest heaving upward like she was struggling to breathe. She looked to me as a tear fell down her face.

" It was my family." She sobbed. Her chest heaved up and down and she was trying not to cry more in front of me.

I pulled her to me and laid beside her stroking her hair as she cried. At first she tried to push me away and struggled in my arms but she quickly gave in and let me comfort her. It felt nice having her against my chest. I moved my hand from stroking her hair to her back where I felt the tension and she flinched. I started massaging that spot with one hand. When I felt that some of the tension in her back was gone i just laid there admiring her in my arms.
She was pressing her face into my chest so that I couldn't see her face. Then she looked up with eyes still watery with tears.

"Am I just some pet to you? You haven't told me what you want with me." She cried.

I laid there and debated my answer for a long time. Was she just some human I was infatuated with? A pet? Or so much more than that? I laid there imagining what life would be like if she were to become my queen, how many children we would have and how happy we might be together.
I think I would be very satisfied if she were my queen and we ended up having children. I knew she was capable of having mine because my species was compatible with every species in the galaxy ,there was only one problem...she would have to be monitored during pregnancy to ensure no complications would happen. Usually when my species are born were delivered via cesarean section.

I looked down at her satisfied with my answer.

"I want you to be my queen." I replied and lifted her chin so that she'd look at me.

She had a look of fear and disgust on her face and her eyes were wide. My heart ached as she pulled herself away from me.

She went to the bathroom and locked its door.

I walked up to the bathroom door to stand by it as I spoke.

"I know when we first met I called you a pet,and the first day you got here I did to but my feelings have changed. I know I stole you away from Zolar and from Valerian but if you would just let me.." I tried to reason but she quickly interrupted me.

"I think i was in love with Valerian and you took me away from that...we could have been happy together!" She yelled.

"You will be happy, I'll make you happy and you'll soon forget all about that prince." I told her.

She slammed the door open and stalked up to me like she did when we first met.

"You want to make me happy? You can start with taking this damn thing off of me! It's pissing me the fuck off! Maybe if you take it off it'll help me not to feel like I'm your damn pet?" She said pulling at the collar around her neck and the chain that dangled between her breasts.

As she pulled at the collar I could see that the bite marks were almost all the way healed but it was a bit irritated in that spot from the collar rubbing that area. I went to get the key that I hid away and unlocked the collar around her neck.

"Thanks." She replied coldly as she rubbed her neck.

"Here let me help you with that." I replied and took her hand to lead her to the bathroom. I searched the drawer that I kept medical supplies in for anti inflammatory cream but I couldn't find any.

"What are you looking for?" She asked me.

"Something for your neck , its irritated." I replied.

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