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Silas's pov*

After Desmond was done viewing her body I called for a meeting.
"I know that I shouldn't be asking this at such a bad time but I was thinking, that planet isn't going to be used properly unless someone who actually wants it revives it. I could use that planet to grow more resources and I wouldn't have to trade with you ever again. I think it would be a great opportunity for me to take. So i would like Earth as payment for your debt." I asked him.

Desmond had grief in his eyes as he answered me.

"That seems reasonable, at least someone will get use out of that planet." He sighed.

He put his head in his hands.
" Oh my poor brother. He was so in love with that human girl I chose, this is all my fault." He muttered.

"How am I ever going to make it up to him." He said as a tear rolled down his cheek that he quickly tried to conceal by walking to his desk to get the paperwork.

We both signed the papers for the planet and I thanked him.
"I think it would be best if she was buried on her planet, I'll take her body and give it a proper burial." I told him.

I went to the room with her body where Valerian was kneeling before it. I patted his back and he turned to leave so I could have some time with her. "We'll be leaving soon." I said as I stroked her beautiful hair.

I scooped her limp body into my arms and took her to my ship. I quickly searched the vast medical closet for a cure for the Zolarian venom I injected her with.
I took the large needle with the antidote and pressed it into her neck. I didn't know how long it would be till she woke so I put her in my bed where she would be comfortable and flew my ship back home to my planet.

My planet had always been lacking in plant the population grew I struggled to make sure my people were fed. As time went on I grew desperate and started trading with the planet Zolar and soon my planet became prosperous with plant life and animals. The reason I wanted earth so badly was because I wanted it as a backup planet for extra resources and space. My planet is small so once we become overpopulated I plan on sending some of my people to earth to live on. It would be hard managing two planets but I was up for the challenge.

I changed into my original form as I stepped down from my ship and onto my planet with
Vivians limp body in my arms. As I walked Vivian to her new home I noticed how small she was in my arms. Her long hair swayed as I carried her and her breathing became more heavy. She would be waking up soon I noted. I began walking more quickly as i entered my mansion, walking her up the steps and into my room and setting her in a chair. As I recalled how feisty she was to me while I was on Desmonds planet I got up and got a collar with a chain connected to it that I would make her submit to me with.
I couldn't have any of my people seeing a human get away with disrespecting me so it had to be done.

Vivians pov*

I woke up with a collar around my neck and I was in a strange room that I didn't recognize. It had black walls , and red sheets and blankets were on the bed in the room, the furniture was white with black detailing.
It looked like a Gothic style room or perhaps Victorian. I got up from the chair I was in to investigate the predicament I was in when suddenly I fell. I had very little strength in my legs and I was very weak. What happened to me??? I recalled last night when Valerian and I were making out and he bit my neck.
I felt under the collar and there it was, the deep bite marks were still sore. Was his venom to much for me or did I get to drunk? I tried pulling myself up and I nearly fainted. Suddenly I was lifted up and laid down gently on the red bed. " Who are you and what do you want with me?" I asked as darkness threatened to cross over my eyes and the room started to spin.

The tall 8ft alien that I recognized as Silas got closer to my face where I could see him and felt my head.

"The venoms wearing off but you should take it easy." He warned.

"What happened to me...why am I here with you, where's Valerian?" I begged for him to tell me.

"Valerian..." He scoffed. " You won't be seeing Valerian or any of those Zolarian males anymore." He said with jealousy and hatred in his voice.

"Why!!?" I cried and tried to get up to run but the venom wouldn't let me and I fell off the bed.

"Because now you and your planet are mine." He replied with satisfaction in his voice.

"That's not true, Desmond would never give me away!" I yelled.

"He would if he thought you were dead." He said as he shape shifted into Valerian.

"At first I was going to kill you because you were in the way of me getting your little planet..but then you seduced me while I was in this pathetic form, so in a way this situation your in is your fault." He smiled devilishly and set the paperwork to me and my planet down on a desk. Then squatted down to look at me as I laid weakly on the floor. I turned my head away from him as tears rolled down my eyes. He lifted my chin so that I'd look at him and he wiped my tears.

I gasped as I realized what I had done and that I could have died if I hadn't seduced him. So that means that me and Valerians first first kiss was with some shape shifter prick who tricked me. Heat flushed to my cheeks as I thought of how Silas had kissed me in Valerians form. Once he saw the realization in my eyes he leaned in to kiss me.
"Id rather die than have some prick like you kiss me." I said as I pulled my head away.

"That's to bad princess because your gonna be here with me for a long time,and eventually you'll give in to me." He said as he walked out the door to the room and locked it.

I laid there on the cold floor for hours ontill I gained feeling in my body. Once I gained feeling in my body I searched for any ways I could escape. I looked out the window to see how high up the room was and sighed.
It was to high up for me to risk jumping. Then I got an idea, I could make a rope from blankets,climb down to his ship and fly it back to Zolar and tell Desmond what happened. I tied the blankets together making a rope long enough to get down and tied it to the balcony. Then I started climbing down ontill I reached the ground and started running like hell towards Silas's ship.
Suddenly I heard footsteps running towards me and I was apprehended by huge alien guards with swirl tattoos on them. One of them had grabbed me by the waist and I was squirming in his hands. He squeezed his grip tighter and I yelled in pain.

Silas heard my screams from his mansion and punched the guard that hurt me. Sending me and him toppling down to the ground.

"If any of you hurt her you will pay with your lives understand." He snapped at the guards and grabbed me before I escaped from the guards grasp. He had my arm in his grip and was taking me back to the mansion. I bit his hand and made another run for his ship.
"Shit!" He yelled as I started running.
Then just as I was about to reach the ships entrance he appeared before me and grabbed the chain of the collar he put on me. Gripping it tightly he pulled me to him, wrapping the excess chain around his wrist as he did ontill i was face to face with him.

"Don't make me drag you to the mansion little pet." He warned and I spat in his face.

He was just about to snap at me but then he stopped himself and started dragging me back to the mansion and into his living room.

He let go of the chain to the collar.

"Sit." He commanded.

I sat and he had a servant bring out some food for us.

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