Valerians pov

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When I woke up i brought my brother the information that I had found. "Will you set her free." I asked eagerly
"Of course I will but she has to understand that I am her king now,she can't just punch me in the balls whenever she wants to." He laughed.
"She has to follow my orders like everyone else." He said more seriously

Just as we were finishing our conversation about her a guard requested permission to enter. He walked in with  her thrown over his shoulder. She struggled to get down from his grasp and he finally let her go.
She was rubbing her stomach as if he hurt her. My fists clenched at my sides.
She walked towards me and my brother.
"A meal hasn't been delivered to my room yet and I was wondering if I could have breakfast with you while we discuss what im supposed to be doing here." She said softly wincing with pain.

"Of course that sounds like a wonderful plan." My brother smiled. "We were actually just discussing what to do with you."

She cringed at his smile as if it were the ugliest thing in the world. Clearly she didn't like my brother. She had every reason not to.
"What's wrong with your stomach?" I asked

"I had some cysts removed yesterday or possibly the day before that ,I don't know how long I was out for but my stomach still hurts... especially when big dumbass guards put so much pressure on it." She turned and glared at the guard that was still standing in the doorway.

"I'll get you something to ease the pain." I said putting my hand on the small of her back to guide her to the dinning hall. I looked down to admire her only to realize that the slightest touch made her entire face flush. It made me happy knowing that she found me so attractive. I definitely shared the same feeling because I couldn't stop looking down at her, her face,her long lashes and hair,and...the top of her breast. I could tell they were small but the dress she wore made them look so much bigger.

When we entered the dinning hall, luckily all of the guards and soldiers were done eating their meals. I sat her down and handed her a tray of fruits along with some pain relieving herbs that I put in her drink.  Desmond entered the dinning hall a few moments later. I could tell that he was a bit jealous that I was already trying to win her over. We both retrieved our meals and sat before her.
"Vivian you are free to do as you wish as long as you follow my orders like everyone else. The room you slept in will be your room from now on. And you may get a job if you wish but I consider you being my verification of conquering a job already so you don't have to get a job if you don't want to. You could start a new life on my planet or on my ship and do as you please as long as you follow my orders understand?" Desmond said with great authority.

"I understand." Vivian said calmly and began eating her food savoring every bite.

"I'm glad you like the food from my planet." Desmond said smiling down at her lips as she ate.

"I really do love it, it taste so fresh. It's much better than the fruit that used to grow on earth. " She said looking up at him, then quickly looked back down at her food to avoid eye contact.

I could tell she was trying her best to be friendly even though she hated him.

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