the council

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Vivians pov*

When I woke up Silas and Warrik were having another discussion and this time I didn't pretend to be asleep.

" I don't think she's ready to be introduced to the public yet. What if Desmond were to find out that she's alive and the galactic federation they wouldn't allow me to do renovations if they found out." Silas said with his head in his hands.

"Eventually she'll have to be introduced to the public, hopefully sooner rather than later. Maybe there's some way you could get away with having her and Earth without getting into trouble." Warrik mused.

"Did my heart stop when I was bit by you with the Zolarian venom." I asked.

"No it only slowed down enough for them to think you were dead why?" Silas looked to me curiously.

"If you lied and told them that I died and came back to life would that help?" I said.

"It wouldn't help,as long as your alive he can't do anything with Earth." Warrik countered.

"I could plead that renovations to earth need to be done immediately for it to properly heal, the radiation in some areas from the war would effect to much if left unbothered." Silas responded.

"That might work... Should I set a meeting with the galactic council?" Warrik mused as he made his way towards Silas's door.

"Yes as soon as possible." Silas sighed aggervatedly as Warrik left the room.

My body tensed in bed thinking about what Silas might do with me now if things turned south.

"You wouldn't pick Earth over me would you?" I asked nervously as my hands clenched the sheets of the bed.

Silas quickly turned to me with the most determined face.

" I'm not going to kill you if thats what your asking. If the federation doesn't give me what I want then I'll find another way to make my plans happen." Silas ventured.

"Why does Warrik want your people to see me?" I asked.

"He wants to see if they approve of you. It doesn't matter if they don't though, I'm their king I'll make them." Silas proclaimed as he clenched his fist authoritatively.

"All this work has me so tense." He said as he stretched the large muscles of his back.
He was in his original form and I admired him intently watching his muscles shift around as he stretched. He turned noticing my gaze and smirked deviously. As Silas approached the bed my thighs clenched together under the skirts of my dress.

"Come" He growled through his teeth.

My eyes widened as I gazed at him at the end of the bed with his eyes filled with lust and his hair ragged from him raking his hands through it. My body wanted to obey his every command but my mind told me no so I sat there frozen in contemplation.

"You'll be a good girl and come to the end of this bed." He muttered huskily through his teeth and he leaned down pressing his hands into the bed.

My body started to ache for his touch and for his kiss. Just a little taste of the ecstasy that he could give me wouldn't hurt. Just a few kisses and then id make him stop. I told myself. I slowly removed the blanket from myself and lifted the poofy skirts of my dress a bit so I could crawl to him. When I reached the end of the bed he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me roughly and intently.

"Good girl." He praised.

Then he tore off one of the ropes with tassels that were used to tie the curtains of the bed back and grabbed both my wrist lifting them up above me and tied them together with it. My breathing was starting to hitch as he layed me down and pushed up the poofy skirting of my dress to press himself against me so that I'd feel how much he needed me.

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