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*Silas's pov*

She'd told me she loved me twice tonight. I had cried the first time she told me due to the beauty of the moment that I will never forget. I watched the stars twinkle in her beautiful dark eyes as she proclaimed her love to me so unexpectedly and now here she was on my balcony admitting that she loved me again. Not just my original form or my human one...but every form. She owned my soul, she could command me to do anything and I would do it for her right now. I wanted to make her every dream come true and spoil her all her life. That's how much I loved her. I was starting to realize why my father had ended his life to join my mother in death...a life without Vivian would be one I couldn't stand to live in.

As we sipped our wine she started asking questions about who I was, my age, my favorite color and my religion. I became a little concerned when she asked my age..I hoped it didn't bother her that I was a bit older but it didn't seem to bother her at all based on her reaction.  She seemed satisfied with all my answers and became quiet as she thought of more to ask. I could see the thoughtfulness in her eyes and on her expressions that she wanted to know everything about me, every detail. What kind of questions could I ask her in return? Perhaps more questions about hobbies and activities we could do together.

"What kind of movies do you like?" I asked.

"Fantasy romance and horror. We could watch a scary movie together sometime." She smiled.

"I would love that very much. What about sports, did you ever play any on earth?" I mused.

"Eh not really. I'm not really a sporty kind of person. What about you do you like any sports?" She replied.

" There is a couple of sports that I enjoy actually. Skyball is one of my favorites. Two players form wings and pass a ball to each other in the sky. Whoever drops the ball looses. It's seems easy but it's harder than it looks, especially on windy days." I explained.

"Mmh that sounds fun." She yawned as she stretched her arms.

Her eyes were starting to look tired and her body was more slouched. I walked over to her and lifted her gently to carry her inside to my bed. She crawled up to the top of it and curled up into the sheets. I quickly undressed myself of everything except my underwear and joined her in bed. I wrapped my arms around her waist savoring her warmth and listened to her heart beating as I fell asleep.

When I woke up I went to do my paperwork at my desk and discuss the plans for Earth with Warrik.

"I'm sending Atlas and his forces off tomorrow to earth to assess how much work needs to be done. Hopefully the damage can be fixed within a few years." I expressed.

" I'm sure it can sir. Is Jasper prepared to take Atlas place is what I'm concerned about. He hasn't been a general as long as Atlas." Warrik stated.

" Jasper is more logical than Atlas, if anything it's an improvement to my forces having him as 1st in command." I insisted.

"There's something else we need to discuss." Warrik said as he grabbed the TV remote and turned it on the news channel.

A video of my speech had made it to the news channel apparently and they were discussing Vivian being the next queen.
One of my citizens that I recognized as one of the ink distributors was being questioned about Vivian.

" What's your opinion on the human woman?" The reporter asked.

"I know she'll make the perfect queen for our people and I hope that she will allow me to pray over her stomach when she becomes with child." The old ink distributor said sweetly.

"Your not bothered by the fact that she's a human?" The reporter asked.

"Any woman who is kind and deserving enough of our king is good enough for me." The old ink distributor responded.

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