the prince

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Vivians pov*

I went running straight out the door to my room when suddenly I bumped into another alien. He grabbed my arm and passed me back to the leader with a kind smile across his face. A smile that calmed me for some reason.

What are you doing here brother the leader said to him extending his free hand for a handshake.
"Oh I just wanted to see what a human looked like. " The brother said as he bended down to get a better view of me. He lifted my chin gently with two fingers and got very close to my face. Then he looked down at me assesing the height difference.

"Are you sure she is a human,I thought humans were far more threatening." He chuckled

The leader laughed. "Oh I assure you they are." "Shes already threatened to take my manhood." he said recalling me punching his crotch

"I wouldn't be laughing boys the next time someone comes in my room it might be their vision I threaten to take next ." I said with a giggle. I felt proud to be able to defend myself against these aliens. I had hurt their leader by catching him off guard, that seemed like quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

They both looked down at me,a bit shocked at what I had said. Then the brother spoke first. "It seems you've picked a very spicy Terran Desmond." He said with a wicked grin.
"I like her." "I'm prince Valerian little Terran if you need anything don't be afraid to tell me." He said as he gently kissed my hand.
A chill went up my spine and my entire face flushed red as a tomato. Once he saw that his own face flushed a bit and he walked off.

The leader or king Desmond who was still holding one of my arms to assure I wouldn't get away led me back to the room and closed the door. " Could I get your name Terran?" He said.

"It's Vivian. "I said shyly covering my face so he couldn't see that I was still flustered.

When I looked up he was looking at me with the biggest smile on his face but he quickly concealed his smile and turned away to go out the door again.

"I have work to do. If you need anything ask for Valerian. And don't try to escape again." He said and walked out.

I stayed in my room with the handsome alien prince on my mind. He looked like his brother but much kinder, he looked like he would be so gentlemanly. His brother Desmond was handsome to but he definitely wasn't someone I wanted to get involved with like that. I mean he destroyed my world and killed my species, that would be so wrong if I hooked up with him. What am I thinking I shouldn't be hooking up with anyone. They captured me and I have no idea what they have planned for me. All Desmond told me was that I was like a trophy or a prize.

I needed something to distract my mind from the alien brothers so I went to the closet and picked a new dress for myself. This one had a heart shaped neckline exposing my breast and the bottom part of it flowed with every movement. It was a pink dress with silver vine like swirls that covered it.

After picking a new dress I went to the bed and got some much needed rest.

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