courtship and law

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I walked over and sat at the end of the couch instead of beside him. I laid back and stretched my legs.  His couch was so comfy I could just sink into it.  He pulled out what looked like a very advanced laptop from beside him and he motioned for me to sit closer. I scooched just close enough to see the screen and he clicked a search tab on the laptop. "Is there anything you want to know before we land tomorrow." He asked looking down into my eyes. I pondered for a minute. "The laws of your planet and courtship or whatever you call it." I responded.

"So you are interested in having a partner." Valerian teased

"Oh shut up." I laughed and pushed him.

He gave me the most beautiful smile. His dull fangs and perfectly straight teeth fully on display. I could tell he was a man that loved being playful. Then he searched the laws for me to read.  They were simple laws such as do not steal,do not murder..etc.  After I read them I took his laptop from him to search how their courtship worked. I went all the way to the other side of the couch and made sure the laptop was facing away from him.

"What are you searching and why are you all the way over there." He called out. Upset at the fact that I moved away from him.

"Im searching how your species courtship works. I feel like I need privacy for this." I laughed

"Don't tell me your going to be looking at alien cocks." He groaned and started snickering.

I bent over and burst out laughing.  Our laughter filled the whole room. And we were smiling at each other for a moment when he said "I'll just explain it to you."

"So when we like someone we invite them to events and spend time with them, it's a lot like dating on your planet. A female on my planet could spend time with many different males but she's only allowed to mate with one,and it works the same way with males. We're only allowed to have one mate. Once we've decided on who our mate will be and mated with them we aren't allowed to mate with anyone else. My species love very deeply. Even after our mate dies we don't choose another mate. " He explained

"Do you want me to explain how sex works." His eyebrows raised and he gave me a humorous smile.

"That depends. Is your species anatomy different than mine."I responded

"From what I've heard your species anatomy is similar...but far smaller." He added

"Where did you hear that from, one of your soldier friends?" I teased

"Yes actually. One of them snuck up on a male Terran while they were peeing and killed them. He said it was definitely smaller than our species." He smiled proudly.

"There is one thing that I do know that might be a major difference for you. Something humans don't possess." He pointed at his fangs.

"When we bite,we inject something that calms the female. It's used during courtship as you call it and mating. I usually file mine down so they look a bit dull right now." He explained

I looked closer at his fangs to discover that they did in fact have small holes in them for injecting the strange venom. I looked up from looking at his fangs to find that we were ridiculously close. Almost close enough to kiss. I pulled my face away from his. A sudden exhaustion overcame me and the room felt like it was spinning. The wine was starting to make me feel tired. I yawned and got up from his couch.

"I think it's time for me to get to bed. I had fun Val." I turned to walk out his door.

"Goodnight little Terran." Valerian waved from the couch.

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