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Vivians pov*

After lunch and dinner me and Silas slept peacefully in bed. Tonight he had rubbed my back as I laid on top of him and sung me to sleep.

"I'll reach the stars above for you my love.

Eternity is how long we're meant to be.

If you wish for me then there I will be.

Oh honey no star could shine as bright as youuuu youuuuu." He sang in a dark and angelic tone.

When I woke up Silas wasn't in bed beside me. I walked out the hall and into the pioleting room in the middle of the ship and there he was. From what I could see out the window of the ship it looked like we were entering some kind of spaceship the size of a planet.

" Oh good your up, we'll be walking into the grand hall soon for the meeting. Make sure you stay right by Ezra, I'll handle the negotiating." Silas explained.

Silas was wearing a long sleeved black shirt with ruffles coming from the cuffs of it and a silver circlet with a star in the middle upon his head and he wore grey pants today instead of black and a pair of black boots.
He looked so much like the king that he was today and I couldn't help but feel flustered and intimidated by the way he looked.
I raised my hand to my chest feeling how fast my heart was beating for him.
He looked up from fixing the collar of his shirt noticing my gaze.

" Does this kind of attire flatter you my dear." He smirked.

"Yes,very much actually." I responded as heat rose to my cheeks. He was in his original form again and I had to look up to speak to him and meet his gaze.

"Speaking of attire you'll need to change yours to something more suitable for your future position, I want the council to understand the intentions I have for you." He said as he handed me a glittering white gown with a silver star design at the top and  slits on the sides of it to expose my legs.

"Go get dressed." He ordered.

I quickly left to another room with my dress and as I was changing into it my heart rate still didn't slow. It was like my breath was caught in my chest and no matter how much air I breathed it still wasn't satisfied.
When I exited the room Silas and Ezra were gawking at me. I lowered my gaze, my eyelashes fluttering softly against my cheeks. Ezra was quick to take my hand and walk me out of the ship and down the many halls of bright yellow and white lights.
Silas was just ahead of us leading the way.
Then we approached a large door with many symbols and constellations. The door slowly opened revealing a bright room filled with a very long row of federation members sitting high above the ground. There were at least 12 members from what I could see and each one wore a grey hood. As my eyes gazed upon each member I recognized one as the woman Ezra was talking about. She had grey hair and a very strict look on her young looking face. I couldn't understand how she could look so young yet so old at the same time. Her expression was certainly very intimidating that was for sure. Then she spoke, her strong and feminine voice echoing as she did.

"Silas Galatian you have requested permission to restore earth back to its natural state while having this human alive, it clearly states in galactic law that you cannot do anything with the planet till her life span is over. The reason being...we cannot have you making usage of multiple planets within one lifetime, you could possibly have an unfair advantage against the other planets." She stated coldly.

"He would have an unfair advantage eventually!" Another council member yelled.
His firey complexion and hair flaying as he slammed his fist.

"A delayed advantage...we cannot stop people from owning planets but we can certainly delay their progress to prevent threats." The shifter woman replied.

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