Chapter = 17

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" This smells great!! "

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" This smells great!! "

Jungkook's mouth was watering as he stared at the dinner table full of delicious foods with shining stars in his eyes. Fried chilli chicken which was placed in middle of the table with some sauces around it made the meal served in table more fascinating.

Mr. Kim laughed before sitting down on his regular seat with other Kim Brothers sitting on theirs.

" Of course it'll smell great when today's dinner is made by our sweet honey Chisuke. "

Everyone's eyes widened in amusement hearing Mrs. Kim who walked out of kitchen carrying chopsticks along with Chisuke who had the plate of fresh cabbage kimchi in her hand. She placed the plate beside the chicken and sat down quitely with everyone watching her.

" She really made them? "

Mr. Kim asked Mrs. Kim who was serving the chopsticks to everyone. She sat down beside him and smiled at him before nodding her head. Seeing her agree to his question, A warm smile spreads across Mr. Kim's face. He turned to Chisuke who was sitting on her chair quitely, ignoring everyone but they all knew, she was nervous.

" If my dear daughter made this then what we all are waiting for? Dig in everyone!! "

Just as he said it, multiple chopsticks were stabbed into the fried chicken. Chisuke, for the first time in her life felt nervous. She wasn't sure if they would like it or not. Her eyes were reading everyone's faces as they bite into the chicken.

It wasn't even one second of them putting the chicken inside their mouth, they spat it out of their mouth, onto their plates while coughing. Chisuke's eyes widened a bit behind her bangs as she stared at everyone with a disappointed face. Kim brothers were coughing the food out with their faces turning a bit pale.

Yoongi drank water from his glass in a go then slammed the empty glass on table loudly flinched Mrs. Kim. His face twisted feeling the taste still lingering inside his mouth.

" What the fuck was that?! "

He grabbed the glass of Hoseok and drank it all in a go again, trying to erase the taste from his mouth. Hoseok panicked as he covered his mouth. Kim Brothers's face turned more pale as the taste which was still in their mouth was haunting them.

" What was that?! "

Chisuke blinked looking at the Kim Brothers coughing.

" Food. "

She quitely mumbled out, enough for everyone to hear it. Seokjin glared at her with his face still filled with horror. He looked at her in disbelief before pointing his chopsticks at the food.

" That's— That's not food idiot! That's called Pig food! "

Chisuke blinked again, trying to understand what they were trying to say as Seokjin continued to cough.

" Are you from another planet girl? Seriously! Is cooking food a joke to you?! You call this shit over here food? Do you even know what food taste like You begger!! "

Taehyung screamed with his face full of disgusted looks. For the first time, Chisuke looked down at her lap, not with mystery but with unknown feelings. Her interest in cooking was growing after eating the varieties of delicious foods, she wanted to try and cook for everyone whom she thought now were her family.

" I'm ordering pizza for everyone. "

Namjoon said while taking out his phone from his pocket, he stood up and walked away to Living room, followed by other Kim Brothers. Mrs. Kim was trying to stop them from leaving but they just walked away.

Chisuke didn't knew what to say. She stayed silent, rooted in her seat. The uncomfortable feeling she felt inside her was growing. She knew she was feeling shame but she just didn't wanted to accept it. Just then she heard Mrs. Kim.

" Honey, Are you going to eat it all? "

Chisuke raised her head and looked at the direction from where the voice came. What she saw next was something she was not expecting. Mr. Kim was stuffing the food inside his mouth happily. He calmly chewed the chicken while taking a spoon of white rice. He ignored the look of Mrs. Kim and Chisuke and continued to eat the food.

" Why are you eating when it's bad? "

Chisuke asked in her silent voice, staring at Mr. Kim with blank eyes. He finished chewing and gulped down the soup before turning to Chisuke with a warm smile. His expression was different from what she saw on Kim Brothers's faces. It was too different. It was filled with adoration, love and care.

" My daughter cooked dinner for the first time for us. If her father won't eat it then who will? "

Chisuke's lips parted slightly hearing him. Her heart felt warmer hearing him call her his daughter. She was still in state of confusion when Mrs. Kim sat beside Mr. Kim, picking up the chopsticks and starting to eat. Their faces was a lot different than the faces Kim Brothers made while tasting her handmade for the first time. Their expressions were more like calm, peaceful and relaxing.

" Y-you don't have to. It tastes bad. "

Mr. Kim chuckled hearing Chisuke. He placed his chopsticks down after finishing his plate and turned to Chisuke. He patted her head while smiling at her.

" It doesn't matter to us Honey. It's your first time, don't be sad about it, Mistakes happens Dear, and I'm sure, You'll improve. One day, daughter will make her parents proud. We'll wait for that day Honey. "

Chisuke was staring at Mr. Kim who was smiling down at her before turning to Mrs. Kim who stuffed the kimchi inside his mouth, he chuckled to himself while chewing it. Right now, The couple looked happy. Mr. Kim took the plates of his sons and starts to eat it.

All this time, Chisuke's eyes were fixed on him. Trying to find the reasons of the heavy emotions she was feeling inside her heart. She gulped lightly. That one word, she wanted to speak up, looking at the Mr. Kim eating happily in front of her. She heard her own voice echoing inside her head.

" Papa. "

To be continued ~

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