Chapter = 19

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ubbing his eyes for clear viewing, Seokjin walked down the stairs yawning. It was currently 12:36. Whole mansion was silent as everyone in house was sound asleep. The lights of the living room were off but he was able to walk properly due to the moonlight entering the living room through the huge glass window.

He was about to enter kitchen to grab some water bottle to fulfill his thirst but in between he paused. The lights of the kitchen wasn't on but there were two torch light up on the table, lighting up the kitchen a bit. In the centre of the kitchen, Chisuke was standing, back facing him.

Seokjin was dumbfounded as he looked down, he almost stepped on her hairs. He carefully moved closer to see what she was doing and to his suprise, there was a recipe book leaning on the wall  and there were vegetables on the countertop with a bowl filled with flour and egg. He went silent seeing them.

Chisuke hissed as she readed the recipe book carefully. She now knew how to read few words and sentences, all thanks to her tutor Lyra but still she was having problems. She was confused but at the same time, she knew if she continued to try, she could learn properly.

She grabbed the hand mixer from table but tried to mix the flour and egg but it wasn't mixing properly. In end, she grabbed the cutted vegetables from the countertop and placed them inside the bowl, on top of flour. She again glanced at the book for help but blinked in suprise when suddenly the light of the kitchen turned on.

" First step of the cooking is to turn the light of the kitchen on, and whatever shit you are doing is wrong. First mix then vegetables. "

Seokjin said as he leaned against the countertop while staring at her with a blank face. Chisuke stared at him in silence making Seokjin sigh. He inched closer and stood beside her, he took the bowl from her and placed it in front of himself.

" Watch me carefully. "

He grabbed the cutted vegetables from the bowl and placed them on the countertop. Carrot, Cabbage, onion leaf. He was left in disbelief as he looked at the carrots, it was cutted in weird shapes. Some were like potato fries and some were like in square block. Other than that, cabage was cutted goodly but their size were not matching, and he didn't even wanted to look at the last item.

" Second, Mix the flour and eggs properly first. "

He twisted the hand mixer and started to mix it. Chisuke watched carefully as the flour and eggs started mixing properly soon it turned into somthing, looking alike white sauce. Seokjin grabbed the cutted vegetables and putted them inside the bowl, on top of the mixed sauce. Chisuke looked at the recipe book and then at the bowl.

" But in the recipe book, it is said t— "

Before she could complete her sentence, Seokjin barked at her while glaring at her with wide eyes.

" RECIPE BOOK IS JUST A BOOK! It doesn't matter! I'm a good cook and you should listen to me not to that nonsense recipe book! "

He grabbed the recipe book and threw it away as Chisuke's eyes followed the book which flew out of kitchen window for a while then she turned her head towards him. He grabbed the hand mixer and started to mix the vegetables with the sauce.

After mixing, he passed the bowl to her and again leaned on the wall with a blank face.

" Now turn on the gas. "

Chisuke nodded obediently before turning the gas on. She lit the fire and put the pan on top of the gas flame. She turned and looked at him for what to do next, in which Seokjin pointed his finger at the oil bottle. She grabbed the oil bottle and pour a little bit on the pan then paused turning to him.

" But in the recipe book— "

She stopped midway after getting a dark glare from Seokjin. She silently poured the essential oil and placed them oil bottle back to it's place.

" Now wait for the oil to heat up. "

Both Chisuke and Seokjin stared at the bubbles forming on the oil. After a minute, when the oil heats up, Seokjin grabbed the bowl and dipped the large spoon in it.

" Watch me carefully Chisuke. I'm going to show you how to make perfect vegetable pancake. "

He slowly poured the paste on the pan perfectly making a circle. Putting the bowl away, he waited for the pancake to be done. He grabbed the handle of the pan and flipped the pancake. Chisuke's eyes shined as the aura of the vegetable pancake surrounded the kitchen. Seokjin again flipped the pancake before serving it on the plate.

" Try it. "

Chisuke blinked before grabbing the chopsticks. She ripped the pancake with the help of the chopsticks and took a bite but immediately cough out making Seokjin confused. He also took a bite and his face immediately turned pale. His eyes widened as he cough it out, throwing the peice he ate.

His face twisted as he tried to remove the taste from his mouth. The pancake was pale. It tasted like too dry and not cooked properly. There was no salt or any spices. It was just too plain.

" What the fuck it is?! "

Chisuke shrugged at the man who was huffing in anger.

" You cooked it Seokjin. "

Seokjin's eyes widened even more in anger.

" How dare you! I'm your older brother! How dare you call me by my name?! "

There was a silence between them as both of them took in the words he said. Seokjin immediately covered his mouth in shock while Chisuke stood there without any reaction but after sometimes she opened her mouth.

" Don't ask me to call you Oppa or something. That's cringe aff. "

Seokjin frowned upon hearing her.

" Hello, That just went out unexpectedly! I'm your step father's son only remember it! And about you calling me Oppa? Nah. "

Chisuke was just staring at him silently making him feel awakward. He sighed in disbelief, the silence was giving him headaches. He grabbed the bowl and looked at her.

" Go away now. Tomorrow, your suspension is ending, you have to go back to your ex-school. Go sleep now. "

Chisuke, without responding, turned around and walked away leaving him alone in kitchen but before walking off, she turned towards him and said.

" Correction. You are my Papa's son only. "

Seokjin blinked, taking in her words. His eyes widened before screaming at her but she already disappeared into the hallways.


To be continued ~

𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐳𝐞𝐥Where stories live. Discover now