Chapter Twenty

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It's been so long since I saw him. Three days. I stole a picture from his house. One of him on the beach. He smiled goofily at the camera, his hair blowing in the wind. I kept it on my desk. Made a wallet sized copy and another for my bedroom. I was healthily stalking his home and the diner.

I couldn't keep putting off the CEOs debate anymore. They put it off twice before. I was surrounded by cameras and reporters. Flashes going off occasionally. The others eating up the attention.

"Next question for Mr. Lendor-" the door to the conference room banged open and a frantic, tear streaked Lisa was looking around the room. She had some sort of barter in her hair and her apron haphazardly hung on her.

"Ma'am you can't be in here!" a security guard said taking hold of her arm.

Her eyes landed on me. "Carter! It's Johnathan! He's been in an accident." by the time the words left her mouth I was in motion.

"Unhand her, she's a family friend." I said to the guard taking Lisa's trembling arm from him and guiding her to my designated room.

"Here, drink this and tell me what's happened." I said grabbing a bottle water out of the fridge and placing it in Lisa's hand. She ripped the cap off and guzzled half the bottle. Her lips trembling. My heart raced and my palms sweat. Dear god!

"Johnathan, the hospital just called. They said he was in an accident. I'm listed as his emergency contact. They - they said he's not doing so good." she sobbed. Her entire body shaking with the force of her cries. Oh god! Please let him be ok I prayed.

"OK, ok, shit! Fuck! What hospital. Let's go." I guided her to the private garage and drove to the Accident and Emergency section of the local hospital.

"Johnathan James. What room is he in?" I asked the receptionist anxiously.

"Um, one sec." the boy murmured taking one look at us and started typing away. Then he quickly raised his head again and stared directly at me, recognition in his eyes. The boy blushed and began typing again.

"He's still in surgery but the crash cops are waiting to speak with you guys. Sorry it's what we call them. The detectives investigating the accident are in the room next door." he said quickly pointing us in the right direction.

"Thank you." I said. Happy for his professionalism.

"Family of Johnathan James I presume?" one of the uniformed cops asked.

"Yes Carter Lendor and Lisa Barnes." I replied.

"What happened?" Lisa shakily asked. Looking from one cop to another.

"Well, I'm Officer Hull and this is Officer Donnell." Officer Hull introduced himself and his partner.

"Hello Mr. Lendor. Sorry to be meeting under such circumstances again." Officer Donnell says placing a hand on my shoulder. He's the Officer that answered a noise complaint at Jonathan's house when he played the haunted house prank on me.

"According to eye witnesses, Mr. James was crossing the street together with other pedestrians when a blue hilux 4x4 broke the light and hit Mr. James. He went airborne and landed on the pavement. We already have the driver in custody ready to face charges of breaking a red light, reckless driving and endangering human life tomorrow." Officer Donnell says with a clenched jaw.

"Mr. James received a lot of damages and broken bones. He's currently in surgery. The last update we got was that his injuries though serious, aren't very life threatening. No internal damages. Though he's got a broken arm, leg and two ribs. Some superficial injuries to his body and face from the impact." I sighed a bit relieved. Lisa sobbed clutching my shoulder and burying her face in my chest. I hugged her back. We both needed the comfort right now.

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