first date(yes I know it's late)

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How he asked you- "would you like to go on a date with me?"
How you responded- yeah sure.
Where you went- to the beach
Afterwards- "I enjoyed this very much." You said. "I did to dove." He said kissing you on the forehead.

Jeff the fabulously hot killer
How he asked you- "Hey (y/n). Wanna be my date tonight?"
How you responded- "why not."
Where you went- horror movie marathon at the movies
Afterwards- "Ha! You got so scared!" You laughed. "At least I wasn't clinging to me like a baby." Jeff said pouting

Bent drowned
How he asked you- "(y/n) do you wanna go on a date with me? There will be snacks."
How you responded- "well yeah sure."
Where you went- the zoo
Afterwards- "that monkey took my hat!" Ben complained. "Oh but you look cute without your hat." You said smiling.

How he asked you- "hey strawberry, I'm going on a date with you wanna come?"
How you responded- yeah sounds like fun!"
Where you went- roller skating
Afterwards- "I'm never going roller skating again." You said after a really fat woman rolled into you leaving you thoroughly traumatized. Masky was laughing at you the whole time. "Asshole." You grumbled

How he asked- "(Y-y/n), w-want to go t-to the a-amusement p-park? L-like o-on a d-date?"
How you responded- "aw of course hoodie!"
Where you went- the amusement park
Afterwards- poor hoodie got sick. To many upside down rides.

Toby waffle
How he asked- "w-wanna go *tic* on a date? With *tic* me?"
How you responded- "yeah."
Where you went- the water park
Afterwards- "hahahaha *tic* hahahaha!" "Its not funny!" Toby had been taking a video of you and that big bucket at the water park dumped on you. Knocking out over on camera.

Dark link
How he asked- "hey (y/n) there's this cool new restaurant nearby. Wanna go?"
How you responded- "really? Of course!"
Where you went- cool new restaurant
Afterwards- "that was funny!" You laughed. "The cook setting my hat on fire was not funny. Now I have to get a new one."

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