when he does something stupid

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I was visiting slender but he had some work to do so I read a book as I waited. "Uh doll?" I heard him. "Yes dear?" I asked not looking up from my book. "I have a bit of a problem." He sounded like he was in a bit of pain. "If you have a boner I'm not going to help you." I said straight out. "It's not that." He said. I sighed and looked up from my book. "Then what is it- ah!" I looked at his tendrils which were braided, curled, flat ironed, cut and whatever else you do to hair. "Oh my god Slender what happened?" I asked. "Sally wanted to play hairdresser but I was busy so I thought it would be a good idea to let her use my tendrils." He sighed. "You are the smartest pasta here and you just stabbed that right in the heart. This was literally the dumbest thing I've seen anyone do." I said. "Sorry doll." He said. "Just *sigh* come on let's try and fix this." I said and started undoing the tendril braids.

Jeff the idiot
"Jeff I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said. "Please Babe I've seen this thousands of times on YouTube." Jeff said picking up the hairspray and lighter. "And that qualifies you to be an expert?" I asked. "Well duh." He said. "Now marvel at my awesomeness!" He declared. I just got out a pair of sunglasses. He lit the lighter and sprayed the hairspray. It would've been an amazing sight but he sprayed himself in the eyes and somehow set his hair on fire. "Ahhh!!!!" He screamed and ran around holding his eyes. "I'd say it's more hot than awesome babe." I said putting on the the sunglasses. After a while the other pastas finally decided to help him since I wouldn't do it, and he kept screaming about his hair.

Ben idiot
"Don't do it." I said. "No Imma do it." Ben said. I sighed. "I'm not taking you to the hospital when you break your neck." I said. He just shrugged and went to the top of the stairs in slender mansion. I sat to the side. He climbed into a cardboard box and started sliding down the stairs. It went well for two seconds. But after that the box flipped and Ben went crashing down the stairs. He landed at the bottom in an awkward position. "I think I need a hospital." He groaned. "You know what I said you idiot. It's your fault that you're suffering now." I said. "Wow you sound like a genuine asshole." Ben said. "Say that again and I'll shove your head up your asshole." I said. "That sounds very uncomfortable. But at least put me in your- hey cone back!" I had got up and left. "Nope." I called back. He huffed and laid there the whole night.

"I don't think it's is a good idea." I said. 'Trust me I know what I'm doing." Masky said. "But this is a wild animal you can't just-" "if you can do it in minecraft then you can do it here." He said. "Feeding a wolf a bone doesn't make it a dog." I said. "Shh I see one." He said taking out the bone. I sighed and hid with him. Masky went up to the wolf and tossed the bone at it. "You are now mine." Masky said. The wolf growled and lunged at him. I sighed and went to him. I drugged the wolf and dragged a mauled Masky back to the mansion. "By far the stupidest you could achieve." I said. "Ow." He groaned.

"Hoodie what are you doing." I asked. "T-the f-frisbee g-got s-stuck o-on t-the r-roof so I'm t-trying t-to g-get it d-down." He said. "Use the ladder." I said assuming he knew what I meant. "O-oh o-ok." He took the ladder and threw it onto the roof. "I-it d-didn't w-work." He said. I facepalmed. "I can't help you know." I sighed and went inside to figure out when he lost his common sense.

Toby and I were playing wii tennis and I had won. I would've rubbed it in his face but what he said probably killed my brain cells. "Yes I *tic* won!" Toby cheered. "What? Toby you lost." I said confused. "Nuh uh! See! I have ten *tic* and you have *tic* zero!" He said. "Toby I swear I might actually become genuinely stupid. Look at the score very carefully." I sighed. He looked and his smile fell. "*tic* Oh." "Yeah. Now I can't rub it in your face cause I feel bad for your stupidity." I said. "You still *tic* love me though *tic* right?" He asked. "Of course my little idiot.

Darkness(using bits and pieces of the 'when you meet scenario)
Dark link was sitting on my couch pretending to draw on my ceiling with his sword. "Darkness your gonna hit yourself." I said sitting on a chair. "No I'm not." He said. "Just because your a video game character doesn't mean gravity doesn't apply to you." I said. "I promise I'll be fine." He said. I just watched as he, out of paranoia, turned the sword around only to have the blade plunge into his head. "Told ya." I said. "Forget that and help me get this out of my head." He said. After helping him get it out, treating the wound, and laughing for a solid hour he had finally gotten embarrassed enough and left through the tv.

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