new character - Sonic exe.

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How you meet
I was relaxing in my basement playing a fucked up game of sonic. My friend said there was a rumored creepypasta in the game. I yawned as the game ended. "Geez what time is i-" the screen glitched. "Huh?" I looked at the screen closely. An image of sonic appeared. It looked weird. "HiDe AnD sEeK?" Popped up on the screen like character dialogue. "Now things get interesting." I said and clicked the yes option. The screen went black then went to a regular screen with sonic as the character I controlled. I went forward but it made me run. Another sonic floated in and followed me. I tried to outrun it but my character went at the same speed causing me to get caught and pretty brutally killed. "YoUr PrEtTy GoOd At ThIs." The text said then this boy, basically a human sonic with black and bloody eyes popped out. "Who the-" "I am god!!" He yelled. "Uh yeah ok." I said. "And you y/n-" "whoa where the fuck did you get my name?" I asked. "Your wearing a name tag smartass." He said. "Shut up blueberry lookin ass." I said back. "Ha! Names sonic exe! Don't forget it!" He jumped back into the tv. "Welp guess who's never playing goddamn sonic anymore." I turned off the TV and went to bed.

When you hang out
I was packing up all my video games since school was staring soon and I was gonna fail if I even saw video games. "Hey hey hey! Whoa whoa whoa! What the fuck are you doing?!" I heard sonic exe. "What does it look like, try moving your hair out of the way so you aren't legally blind." I said closing and sealed it. "I can see perfectly fine! Why are packing all of those away?!" He asked. "Schools starting." I said simply. "What the fuck is school?" He asked. "A place where people go so they get smart and not end up like you." I said the box up to my attic. "Oh- wait hey!" He huffed. "What can I say, your pretty dumb." I said looking out of the attic. "This is the thanks I get for wanting to hang out with a hot girl." He said. I threw a game at him. "Oops, sorry. My fingers slipped." I said. (Can y'all guess where I got that from?)

When he gets feelings for you
Geez this damn girl. She acts like a bitch but the good kind. Ugh! I can't believe someone like me is falling for someone like her. Goddammit!!

First date
How he asked you- he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. "Come on I'm taking you out."
Where he took you- fright fest at six flags
Afterwards- "oh come on you weren't really scared." You were pale and fidgety. "Shut the fuck you fuckass." You held his arm.

When your on your period- normal
"Y/n why is there blood in your toilet, trash can and on the floor?" Sonic asked after coming out of the bathroom. "Period." I said. "You didn't even fucking say anything. Period what?" He asked. "I'm not pregnant." I said. "And I'm god. what the fuck does that mean!" Sonic was frustrated. "Shut the fuck up you idiot." I said.

First kiss
"Kiss me." Sonic said. "What?" I asked. "You heard me." He said. "Then the answer is n-" he leaned over and kissed me. "There." He said. "Fuck you." I said.

His nickname name for you
Him- god
You- babe

When you say something dirty in a different language
Language- Swedish (I'm so sorry Pewdiepie)
What you said- "knulla mig."
Translation-(fuck me)
Reaction- he didn't know what you said and got frustrated. "English motherfucker! Do you speak it!?"

When he meets your family
"No." Your dad said. "What?! He didn't even introduce himself yet!" You argued. "No daughter of mine will date a boy with blue hair longer than hers." He said. "Oh so you can let Trina be a goddamn stripper/prostitute but you can't let me date a blue haired boy? Your priorities are all kinds of fucked up." You huffed crossing your arms. "Hey how dare you say such things about me! I am god!" Sonic yelled. "Your what?" Your mom asked. "I'm god you dimwitted bitch! And I'm dating your daughter whether you fucking like it or not!" He yelled. My parents were stunned and didn't say a word. Sonic proceeded to toss me over his shoulder and walk out of the house.

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