Warning guys this is serious

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Oh my god guys

I hope you all take this message super seriously and let others you know, know about it

Okay so this Vietnamese site is taking works of people here on Wattpad

A friend let me know about it and I looked up my username on good ol' google

And this is what happened after flipping through a few pages

And this is what happened after flipping through a few pages

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They took my works guys

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They took my works guys

Author-chan is shook

I put a lot of work into those works
(Even though they're cringy as fuck)

But still!

As the leader of the D.S.P.A it's my duty to protect my loyal deadly smol potatoes

All you gotta do is search up your username and flip through pages till you see what's up in those pics

Spread the word guys this is important

DSPA leader out

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