New Character: Homicidal Liu and Sully

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(Bold will be Sully. K? Good)

How you meet
"I'll be fine, stop worrying so much." I said picking up my bag. "Are you stupid or something! I have to worry! There are killers out there!" My friend said loud as ever. "It's just a myth you know. There aren't any killers out here and you know it." I said sighing. "Fine go then. If you die I'll know what to put on your tombstone." She said. "Yeah yeah. Bye." I left her house and waked home. It was pretty dark out but it was only 5 pm. Stupid daylight savings time. I was passing the old playground when I saw a boy wandering, looking lost. "Excuse me? Are you lost?" I asked going up to him. "Ah! Oh you scared me, and yeah I'm lost. Cause he wouldn't stop and ask for directions!" A voice different from the boys voice came out. "Huh? Is someone else here?" I looked around but saw it was only me and him. "Oh uh n-no it was- me! Who else do you think it was!?" I looked at the boy in surprise. "S-sorry, that's Sully." He said. "Split personality? Well what's your name?" I asked. "Liu, homicidal Liu." He said smiling a bit. "I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you uh both." I said. "It's nice to meet you to y/- sweet thang! You know I think we should hook up and get to know each other better~" I sighed but smiled. "I'd be glad to hang out with you two sometime. Here, call me whenever." I wrote down my number and gave it to them. "R-really? You mean it?" Liu asked. "Yeah, well I should get going. Bye!" I waved and left. "Bye. You didn't ask for directions you idiot!"

You hang out
I was doing some work around the house while my parents were away at work, when my phne rang. "Hello, this is y/n." I said. "H-hey y/n it's me Liu." I smiled cause he sounded shy. "Oh hey Liu, nice of you to call. What's up?" I asked. "Well- we wanna hang out. So meet us at that playground thing got it." I heard Sully interrupt him. "Sure Sully, you two there in a few minutes. And don't get lost ok." I joked. "Y-yeah I'll meet you there." He said and hung up. I laughed to myself and put on my jacket and scaf since it was fall, and cold. When I got there Liu ws sitting on one of his swings in the same thing I saw him wearing last time I saw him. "Liu! Hey!" I said walking over to him. "Huh? Oh hey y/n. Nice scarf." He said. "Thanks, it was a Christmas present." I said sitting on the swing beside him. "So I uh, I have something to tell you." He seemed to trail off. "That your a serial killer?" I said. "Yeah wait- how the hell did you know that we were a killer?!" Sully burst out. "I researched your name. No one just names their kid homicidal Liu and the split personality Sully. And yes I know everything you're capable of doing to me. But you're way too sweet. And besides even if you didn't try to dismember me, I'd fight back. I have extensive self defense training." I said. Liu looked surprised. "That uh that wasn't what I was gonna say- we were gonna say there's powder shit in your hair." "O-oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to threaten you!" I said quickly combing through my hair to get the powder out of it. Liu chuckled a bit while Sully burst out laughing. "While you're right about us, we wouldn't hurt you. You're way too nice to me." Liu said without Sully butting in. I blushed under my scarf and smiled. "Thanks, it's just the way I am." I said. After that Liu, Sully, and I spent the whole day just messing around at the playground.

He gets feelings for you
Wow y/n is so amazing and super hot yeah that to. But she's nice to serial killers! How great is that you don't get uh ever! Whoa man calm down, the power of boners is not that strong don't say that! I really like her.

First kiss
Liu was visiting me at my house once my parents went off to work. "Hey uh y/n?" He asked shyly. "Yes Liu?" I asked. "C-could you uh- kiss him, he's being a wimp about it." Sully said after butting in. "A kiss? Yeah sure." I said. "I understand I guess it would be weird to ask that out of the-" I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. When I pulled back Liu was a blushing mess and not even his scarf would hide it. "Aww cute." I said smiling. "T-thanks..." Liu managed to spit out. "No problem." I said leaning on him.

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