New Character: Laughing Jack

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How you meet
It was Halloween and you went out to get candy. Your weren't really dressed up but you still went out. After going around and getting some candy to last you for the night you started going home. "Hello kiddie~want some candy?" You heard in the not so far distance. "Nah I got some already." You said and continued walking till stopped and was staring at the torso of a monochrome clown with an especially pointed cone nose. "Nice costume man. That face paint is gonna be an ass to get off though." You said. "Costume..?" L.J looked at you. "Yeah, what are you dressed as?" You asked. "I'm not-" "oh wow I'm so stupid. You're dressed as that killer clown. What's his name chuckling jake? No no. Snickering Jacob? No no. Ah laughing Jack!" You said finally. "I am Laughing Jack. The real thing." He said. "Course you are dude. I gotta go, but sick costume. Gimme a call and teach me how to makeup like that. It's so cool." You gave him your number and walked off home leaving him there confused and kinda stunned.

You hang out
A few days after the whole Halloween thing you got a call from him. "Hello? What? Prove you're the real deal? If you say so man. I live (your address). See ya." You hung up. A few minutes later there was a bang. "The hell...?" You got off the couch and went to see what was happening. "My door!" It was broken with LJ in the door way. "Oh good I didn't have to find you." He said. "You broke my door!" You said. "You think murderer knocks?" He asked. "Huh?" "I told you. I'm Laughing Jack. The killer clown." He said. "Is that why you haven't taken off your costume?" "It's not a costume!" "Damn fine. You're a killer." You said. "You're not scared? I could kill you right now." He said. "But you haven't. Means you don't intend to. At least not now." You said. "That doesn't mean- is that candy in there?" He disappeared and reappeared in the kitchen where you had extra candy. "Hey don't eat that!" "Is it poison?" "No it's mine!" "Geez, selfish." He huffed. "Too bad." You said going to the bowl and taking it. You let him suffer as you ate the candy in front of him.

He gets feelings for you
That damn girl gets on my nerves. But I can't deny she has good taste. I left her ghost pepper candies(I doubt they really exist). Hope she likes them

First date
Fuck a first date you two basically robbed three candy stores and stayed home stuffing yourselves till you were sick. Well at least till you were sick

You're on your period- hungry
L.J had been hiding from you all day because you were like a hungry little leech. Whatever he was going to eat, you were there to ruin it. You didn't tell him you were on your period. Instead you said it was toddler week where girls acted like toddlers for a week out of every month.

First kiss
"Can you take it off?" You asked. "Take what off?" L.J asked munching on some chocolate. "Your nose." You answered and touched it. "Why would you ask that? It's a nose." He said. "Yeah but like do you have a normal nose under it?" You asked. "No, I smell with this nose." He said. "But how? Where are the nose holes?" "Nostrils?" "Yeah whatever, those. Do you even have hair in there? How would you pick your nose? Has it ever come off before? Is blowing your nose hard? Is it-" he kissed you. "So many questions." He said and continued eating his chocolate leaving you dark red and silent now.

You say something dirty in a different language
Language: (I've totally run out of ideas) sign language
What you said: I'll suck too hard on your lollipop
Reaction: "why're you throwing up gang signs?"

You call him: cone-nose
He calls you: candy goblin

He meets your family
"Where is he?" Your mom asked. "For the hundredth time mom. That is him!" You said. "I don't know...a clown with a cone for a nose, claws, and uh you know no color? I think you've finally gone off the deep end." She said. "I've been sinking in the deep end for years." You said. Your mom sighed. "Welcome to the uh family I guess.." she said.

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