when they play flappy bird

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"Slendy have you seen my phone? I think I last had it in your office." You said going into his office. "No I don't recall seeing it." He said. "Oh well if it turns up let me know." You said leaving him alone. "Alright doll. Now.." he picked up your phone and proceeded to continue his game of flappy bird. After fying like 30 times he got frustrated and forgot it was your phone causing him to throw it at the door. You were coming back in to complain about your lost phone when it hit you square in the forehead. "Ow, wait I thought my phone wasn't in here." You said rubbing your head and picking up your phone only to see flappy bird was played. "Slendy did you take my phone just to play flappy bird?" You asked. "Maybe. Yes." He said. "I thought I told you to stay away from that. It makes you frustrated, and causes me pain. Quite literally." You said. "Sorry doll." He apologized. "Whatever, just get back to work." You said and left his office with your phone this time.

Jeff the killer
"How dare you!!! Fly you dumb bastard!!!" Jeff yelled at his phone. "Do you still not understand how to play?" You asked. "I do! This game is just being difficult!" He huffed in frustration. "You are the most stupid, give me the phone." You took the phone from him. "You have to tap to make the bird fly." You said. "I do! Look! It flies fine here then as soon as I tap, he falls like a bitch!" Jeff said demonstrating what he did. "I can't I just can't. I'm done." You got up dropped his phone and left the room. "Hey aren't you gonna help me?!" He called out. "No!" You called back and left him to try to figure out flappy bird himself. End result: a phone chucked at the wall and you having to buy Jeff a new phone.

Flappy Ben
Ben cheated and hacked the game. No frustration needed or required.

You were sobbing on the couch when Masky came home. "Strawberry what's wrong?" He asked worried. "I can't do it! I can't get over five!" You wailed. "What? Oh it's that flappy bird game isn't it." He said. "Y-yeah." You sniffled. "Here let me see it, I'll get you higher than five." He said. You handed him your phone and he started playing. Long story short, after an hour he was sobbing on the couch and complaining about how he couldn't do any better than five.

"Hoodie are you sure you want to play this?" I asked. "Y-yeah, m-masky p-played i-it s-so i-it s-should b-be f-fun." Hoodie insisted. "Alright but don't do anything crazy got it." I said. He noddded and I went upstairs to do something. About five minutes later I heard gunshots, making me panic and run down to hoodie. "Hoodie are you alright?!" I asked frantic bit saw hoodie ws the one holding the gun. "Uh hoodie what did you do?" I asked. "I-i g-got u-upset." He said and I saw he had shot his phone about thirteen times. "It was the game wasn't it. You know never mind don't answer that. Just go put the gun away while I get you a new one." I said. "O-ok." Hoodie nodded and went to put his gun away as I left the house.

Toby bird
"Toby no." I said. "Awwww come *tic* on! I won't rage like the *tic* others!" Toby whined. "It's not that, you'll be sad and then act pathetic, and one thing after another I have to bring you to waffle house." I said. "What's wrong with waffle house?" He pouted. "Never mind, just no. And don't touch my phone!" I said and walked out the room. Toby waited till I was out to grab my phone but it only exploded in his hands. "Haha you thought I would leave my phone near you! That was a fake." I said showing him I had the real phone. He sniffled and twitched as tears bubble up. "Aww no tobster waffle don't cry. Do you want waffle house?" I asked to make him feel better. "Mm hm." He nodded. "Come on." I ended up bringing him to waffle house

Dark link
"This is not a good idea." I said. "Just hush and play." Darkness said. I sighed and started playing the game. With darkness in the game, as flappy bird I might add. You played normally as if the bird wasn't your boyfriend. Then you slipped up and darkness hit a tube. "Ow!!! Shit that- ow!" He cried in pain. "Now you know the struggle of flappy bird." I said and let him come out. "That hurt." He complained and went to get ice.

Poor baby didn't have fingers so he couldn't play.

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