New Character- Shovel (j/k it's Rake)

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When you meet
"Hahaha!!!! You have got to be kidding me!!!" You were laughing pretty loud and hysterical. Why? You had encountered the Rake, one of the most dangerous creepypasta out there. But after seeing it on the Internet, hearing stories, and even looking for it yourself, you had given up and never really thought about how it would look in person. But here it was about to kill you and you could not stop laughing. The rake turned into his human form. "WhAt'S sO fUnNy HuMaN?" He asked, sounding iritated.(that's how I see him talking; sort of raspy and distorted a bit) "you! You looked like a shaved rat-human!" I said, my laughing calming down. The rake seemed to huff and pout. "ShUt Up. WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE sAy ThAt AbOuT mE? jAcKaSs." He grumbled. "Well you think about that, I'm gonna go. Bye rat-boy!" I called as I ran away.

When you hang out
"HeY hUmAn, WaKe Up." Rake was sitting on my bed at 2: 02 in the morning on Tuesday. "W-what? Why are you here? How are you here?" I asked half exhausted half pissed that he woke me up. "I cAmE  tO sPeNd TiMe WiTh YoU." He said. I glared. "At. 2. in. the. fucking. morning." I growled. "WeLl NoW iT iS nOw 2:03." He said making my eyebrow twitch. "If you don't get your shaved rat ass out my house in the next to seconds I will skin you alive." I threatened. "Oh My LoOk At ThE tImE yOu ShOuLd Be AsLeEp." He quickly leaped out of the window and left. "Good." I said and went back to sleep.

When he gets feelings for you
'ThIs Is So StRaNgE. mE hAvInG fEeLiNgS fOr SoMe HuMaN? nO tHiS cAn'T bE cOrReCt. WeLl MaYbE iT iS. sHe IsN't ScArEd Of Me LiKe OtHeRs. AnD sHe'S jUsT, jUsT aMaZiNg. I hAvE tO hAvE her.'

How he asked- "y/n I wIlL bE brInGiNg YoU tO a HuMaN zOo."
How you responded- "what? Uh ok."
Where you went- the zoo
Afterwards- "you know I hate you right." I said. "MoNkEy'S thRoW poOp At EvErYoNe." "First of all you told it to! And we weren't even near it!" "HeHe. OoPs."

When your on your period- nice
"Rake!!!!" You yelled from your bed. "YoU cAlLeD mE?" He asked opening the door. "I love you!" You smiled. Rake made a face. "ArE yOu Ok? WeRe YoU dRuGgEd? BrAiN dAmAgE?" He asked. "What? No, I'm on my period." You said assuming he didn't know what it was. Rake thought for a minute before looking like he understood. "Do I need to explain it to yo-" "nO i KnOw ExAcTlY wHaT a PeRiOd Is." He said. "Oh, uh w- you know what I probably don't want to know." I said and waved him off. He left and went back to the girl held hostage downstairs. "ThAnK yOu FoR tHe InFo." He said then killed her starting to eat her insides.

First kiss
"WhAt DoEs A kIsS fEeL lIkE?" Rake asked one day. "Wha- why do you care?" I asked. "WeLl We ArE iN a ReLaTiOnShIp ArE wE nOt?" He asked. "Well yeah. Do you really want to know?" I asked. He nodded. I leaned over and kissed him. When I pulled back he looked a bit stunned. "CaN yOu Do ThAt AgAiN?" He asked. "Fine. You adorable idiot." I said and kissed him again. This time it lasted much longer.

Nickname for each other
Rake- your adorable freak or skinless rat rasin
you- lil devil or love

When you say something dirty in a different language
Language: Italian
What you said: "ghiaccioli sono la mia seconda cosa preferita a succhiare~"
Translation: "Popsicles are my second favorite thing to suck~"
Reaction: "wElL wHaT's YoUr FaVoRiTe? GoGuRt?"

When he meets your family
Everyone was silent. You think it was because you actually brought someone home or the fact that rake looked out of the ordinary. "So uh you're telling us." "That this uh 'guy'." "Is your boyfriend?" Your mom, dad, and brother said. "Yes I am." You said. "I hAvE tHe FeElInG tHeRe WaS nO eXpLaNaTiOn." Rake sighed. "He talks weird." Your brother said. "Shut up at least he doesn't talk as much as you do." You said. "Oh wanna make that bet." He challenged. I stood up to accept the challenge but rake made me sit down. "Well he uh seems like a nice boy." "Yes, and he can actually control her." Your parents said. "Now don't use that control to f-" "whoa whoa!! Slow down!!" You cut your dad off before he could finish. "I wOn'T sIr." Rake said. Your dad nodded. "Well you two be happy together." "And don't run him off like the others ok? He seems nice." Your parents said. "I'll try not to." You said wrapping an arm around rake.

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