how to get pregnant

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(Based on above video^^^^)

"Why hello my beautifuls. Do you know how to make the babies? Well I tell you everything. First I need a woman to demonstrate." Jeff looked at the male pastas. "These are not women these are men!" He complained.

"I know how to make the babies." Slender said.

"Oh then how do you do it?" Jeff asked.

"My mother does in front of fire. Fire makes her hot. Fire makes her babies." Slender said.

"Hahahahaha!! That's not how you do it you idiot!" Jeff laughed.

"Then how would you do it you meanie?" Slender huffed.

"First you take the bagel-"

"t-then what do you *tic* do?" Toby asked.

"Why don't you shut up!" Jeff yelled. "First you take the bagel, then you take the doggy, aannnnnd...... then you chop it!" Jeff sliced the hot dog making everyone scream.

"That's not how you do it." Masky said.

"Then how would you do it." Jeff asked.

"Babies require lubrication~" ben said dumping a bucket of blood on Jeff.

"Then what genius?" Jeff asked.

"We're supposed to rub together." He said pushing Jeff to the floor.

"T-that's not how you *tic* do it." Toby said.

"Then how do you?" Jeff asked with Ben on top of him.

Toby went to the door and waited. After a bit the girlfriends walked in.

"Hey guys we're home." Slender's girlfriend said.

Toby pulled out a nerf gun and shot her in the head.

She sighed. "Oh no. I'm pregnant."

The pastas nodded and clapped. Then Jeff pulled out a nerf gun and shot his girlfriend in the head making her scowl.

A/n- couldn't stop laughing while writing this hope you enjoy it!

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