when they turn into a cat!!

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"Slendy! Ugh where is he?" I had come to visit slender but clearly I am blind. "How do I lose a ten foot no faced man!" I huffed and sat on the couch. Then I heard a static meow. "Slendy- cat?" I was now face to face with a tall white cat, wearing one of slender's suits, and no face. "Slendy? Is that you? Why uh are you a cat?" I asked. He sighed and just laid his head on my lap. He usually did that when one of the other pastas mucked something up. I just giggled and pet his head. "Don't worry I doubt it's permanent." I said. He purred. "But I wouldn't mind having a cat boyfriend." I said holding him. His tail pat my head making me smile. "Love you to." I said.

Cat the killer
"Jeffery! Get your furry ass back here!!" I yelled as I chased my now cat boyfriend around my house after catching him scratch my (favorite item). When I caught him he looked at me with his beady eye and wide smile. "You better be glad I find you fucking adorable as a cat." I said holding him. He gave a relived sigh. "But as soon as you turn human I'm beating your ass." I said making his give a nervous cat laugh.

Ben cat
I woke up after a long nap and rubbed my eyes. 'Did I forget to turn off the TV again? And apparently I forgot to stop playing to." I said to myself as I saw the game I was playing continue playing even though I didn't see anyone. Then I heard a frustrated hiss. "Huh?" I looked down and saw a greenish cat sulking in front of the TV. "Ben? Is that you?" I asked. The cat looked at me see his red eyes. "Yep that's you. Just sulk quieter I'm trying to sleep." I mumbled and turned over. Ben-cat jumped up onto the bed and laid with me. "Meow." He said. "Love you to." I said going back to sleep.

Hoodie + Masky
"Hey m/gf/n?" H/gf/n called her friend. "What's up?" She said. "Uh do you remember me getting a cat?" She asked. "I was gonna ask the same thing." She said. "M-meow?" The cat said. "Oh wait never mind. It's just hoodster." She picked up hood-cat. "Meow." The other cat said pawing at m/gf/n's foot. "Ahh I see. You turning to a cat." She picked masky-cat up. Both cats licked their cheeks and fell asleep in their arms. "Talk to you later." "Right back at you." They both hung up and went to go sit with their now cat boyfriends.

Toby cat
I was staring intensely at a sleeping toby who was at this point aa cat. "Neko-chan!!!" I yelled making him jump clear off the bed. I laughed. He looked at me with an are you kidding me face. "I love you." I giggled. "M-meow *tic*" he said back. (Sorry so short)

Dark cat
"Where is all this hair coming from?" I asked myself after finding black cat hair all over my clothes. "Meow." A black cat was sitting on my bed. "Was it you."I looked at it. It nodded. "Darkness when you turn back I'm n going to beat you!" I yelled making him run away quickly.

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