Chapter #7- Meet Teague and Melria..... and Mrs. Anderson.

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Chapter #7- Meet Teague and Melria... and Mrs. Anderson.

(Edited- 21/05/2017)

"Aren't you supposed to be carnivorous?" I frown at Teague.

"Uh huh. My beast loves raw meat... but I don't see where you are going with this" He shoves about four-five carrot sticks in his mouth and speaks while chewing it.

Talk about table manners.


"Dude! The fucking point is you stop eating all of the vegetables so that I can save something to display on the fucking dining table!" I snap.

"I don't see the point in that. It's just Mel, you and I for dinner tonight, and you fucking hate salads and Mel would rather eat sand than veggies too.... so that just leaves me" He picks up five slices of cucumbers and shoves them in his mouth. All at once.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Your Mom is coming over too... or did you forget that?" I growl and slap his hand that is sneaking towards tomatoes.

"Yeah well... did I forget to mention that Mom likes her meat raw? She'll be here after hunting and eating... so no. She won't be here for dinner. Just to meet my two girls"

"Are you serious?" I scowl. Why the hell have I been working so hard on the presentation of the dining table then?

"Well... because you didn't want to talk about he-who-must-not-be-named with me" Teague deadpans.


The door bell rings, and we don't even have to open the door for Mel, she just teleports inside the living room after ringing the bell.

"I don't understand why the fuck do you even ring the bell" Teague frowns at her.

"It's fun like that" she smirks and I menatlly slap myself.

Talk about mature.

"Woah... why the fuck are you dicing veggies?" Mel cringes at the sight of carrots.

"I was-" before I can explain myself, she waves a hand and the veggies disappear.

What the hell?

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Teague cries at the loss of his tomatoes.

"You don't need them" she looks him up and down and smirks. I bite back a laugh.

"Not a word about my size! I am a fucking tiger, we are all built like the predators we are, unlike you skinny little witches!" He shoots back and I slam my fist on the kitchen platform making the concrete slab crack.

"Shut up you two! Fighting like fucking kids!" I say calmly.

"Hey! This is my new house and you just fucking damaged my ki-"

"Shut up Teague! Do me a favor and go set the dining table or jump off a cliff!" I growl and he gives me the finger before picking up the plates and leaving the kitchen.

"Someone's got their panties in a twist" Mel comments off handedly and then murmurs the glitter spell, changing my flour coated clothes with fresh ones and I frown at her.

"That's better. You are no longer resembling a runaway clown"

"Whatever. Just fix the platform and bring the dishes to the table, yes? I am dog-tired" I leave her frowning at me and go to the dining room where Teague is sitting on a chair impatiently waiting for Mel and I.


What should I tell you about him?

He's my Knight in Shining Armour.

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