Chapter #21- Only Change is Constant.

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Chapter #21- Only Change is Constant.

We land on the air strip which is two towns over from Little West as the pilot said that we were running out of fuel.

I called bullshit, because I am damn sure that Alpha Ulysses just doesn't want all my ex-colleagues to step foot in his territory.

Lola, Dime, Blue and Ray are all thankful for the ride and say goodbye to us and scatter. Bas looks lost so I tell him that he should come stay with us for a while. He used to volunteer for Teague, Mel and I before, and I am hoping that he will volunteer this time too.

The faster they are done working, the faster they will be off my Mate's territory.

On my suggestion, Bas looks thoughtful and my Mate is sulking. I give my Mate a pleading look and he sighs hard, before putting all our bags (only his and mine) in the rental car.

Van is looking at Bas with what I can call a puppy dog look, and I have to bite back a chuckle. The way Van stares at Bas used to annoy the shit out of Tag.

Shit! Tag!

What am I gonna do of him?!

What will he do when he sees Van?!

Shit... why did I not think thoroughly of this before?

Bas agrees on coming with us, and as he is loading his bags in the rental, I get an idea.

A very bad idea, but an idea nonetheless.


"No way in hell!" Bas shouts at the top of his lungs, making my ears ring, but I don't chastise him for it.

We are sitting in the car now, my Alpha driving us (Van, Bas, himself and I) back to Little West. Bas and Van are in the backseat and I am riding shotgun.

I just continue giving Bas my best help-me-eyes, and I know he is not buying it, so I turn my eyes towards my Mate.

"What?" Spice scowls.

"Tell him to do it" I beg and my Mate scowls even more.

"I-" Before my Mate can say something intelligent, I let my chin wobble and my Mate's eyes harden.

"Do it" My Alpha tells Bas and Bas' eyes widen.

"You can't agree with that plan of hers-"

"Do it"

"I will not pretend to be Vanessa's boyfriend!" Bas snarls and my Mate gives him a hard look.

"Do it and I'll help you take over your father's pack" My Mate says, his voice emotionless and I frown.

How did my Mate know that the only thing that Bas wants more than anything else in this world is his father's pack? His birth right....

Bas' eyes narrow and I can see him give it some thought.


"Why would you want Bas to pretend to be my boyfriend?" Van asks frowning and I level her with a look.

'You didn't tell her that Tag is in Little West, did ya?' My Mate sounds more amused than concerned.

'I might have failed to mention that...' I cringe.

'Good luck with that' He smiles and I want to slap his smile off his lips, or maybe kiss it off.

I donno. I am confused.


"Why can Bas not pretend to be your boyfriend?" I demand.

"But-" I cut her off with a glare.

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